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Everything posted by SSJ

  1. SSJ

    10$ btc

    Thank you for being so generous and giving this away :pepo: :smart: :fiesta: :fastparrot:
  2. Very LQ post from one of the most HQ members!!! This method is trash and any other methods are 100% trash as RPS is rigged and is designed by @Skryptec to make us miserable and depressed and addicted to credits worth no value. but this meth0d is s0rta HQ so +314531957319431403 from the gay faggot in the corner.
  3. i hosted giveaway wtf do u mean :wut: This was rigged, you'll be hearing from my lawyers soon.
  4. hi bye hi i h0p3 i w1n bye hi UWU bye
  5. hi! sieg heil mein fuhrer cyka blyat jewden clap my ch33ks fuhrer! Hallo, ich heiße SSJ und ich bin hier, um Ihnen eine Geschichte aus meinem Leben zu erzählen. Als ich drei Jahre alt war, warf mich mein Bruder auf den Boden. Mein Bruder behauptete, mich wegen eines Unfalls fallen zu lassen, an den ich nicht glaube. Aber ich denke ihn, weil von ihm jetzt mein IQ ist! Ich bin ein besonderer Mann in dieser besonderen Welt. Ich bin das Unmögliche, ich bin Berry Allen, auch bekannt als SSJ, und Sie sehen den Disney Channel. Sie sind übrigens schwul, wenn Sie bisher gelesen haben. Kommen wir zu einer anderen Geschichte. Als ich letztes Jahr zu einer Party ging, traf ich jemanden, den ich nie treffen würde, ich traf Schokolade, Schokolade war ein Hund. Er war ein Yorkie, sein Mantel war braun, er war wie mein Freund. Ich durfte Süßigkeiten essen, weil ich Schokolade wollte. Er bot an, ihm etwas zu geben, also gab ich ihm zwei Schokoladenstücke, später stellte ich fest, dass er überhaupt nicht recht hatte, aber das Wichtigste war, dass es ihm gut ging. Willst du eine andere Geschichte? Ich bin mir sicher, dass Sie das nicht tun werden, also werde ich es kurz machen. Ich habe mir das Bein gebrochen, als ich in eine Metalbar getreten bin, weil ich sehr schwul bin.
  6. SEND ME CREDITS AND I WIL SEND YOU SOME nothing :pepo: (actually I might) Top 3 Donators will get a place in my signature :pepo: anyways have a gud day and peacceee UUWUU
  7. SSJ

    Delete Me

    Very big combolist..
  8. Good job, I didn't reply to leech. I replied for this:
  9. SSJ

    Sup guys, Deos here

    Hi Deos, my name is SSJ I am thiccer than u :ezy:
  10. Well I downloaded some shit and now I have this.. Always fun
  11. u d0nt gotta but ok I mean your the only one who entered so far.. so you're probably gonna win... Giveaway won't have a winner if theres not more than 3 people entered.
  12. Slide some over :pepo: @Skryptec Is this normal? Where it doesn't land on something?
  13. Mine are: Its not a very popular thread but its still a great thread!
  14. I wasn't agreeing to the award.. just rephrased what he said. Ah ok, ty for the rephrasing sir. Any day Ma'am :pepo:
  15. He meant an award to encourage people to check for viruses. Did you people not read this? ::kek: the thread will be checked before posting... How are people going to hunt in threads that are already checked??? Or do you just want the award to be given to people who are disinfectors? I wasn't agreeing to the award.. just rephrased what he said.
  16. People just like awards. Good change and addition to the forum! But what for? This is a new usergroup that checks every thread before it's posted. It's not like people can report the threads because they're already checked so what is the award given for and what are the requirements then? For those who aren't dedicated in hunting down programs with viruses but would like some sort of award for doing so. More awards = Better. Especially if you've reached the point where you cannot earn many more awards (and the forum becomes almost boring, at least in my opinion) So people who aren't dedicated in searching for programs with virusus you want to make an award? I don't get your point. He meant an award to encourage people to check for viruses.