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Everything posted by floraiN

  1. yes but green is bad colour for trial even blue would be better So you are that one person that decides green color is a bad color for trials? Interesting. Denied
  2. You can embed .gifs the same way you do it with normal .png or .jpg pictures. [img= Insert image URL here ]
  3. Yeah some of those are pretty new, but their application was nice to read. But I believe KSZ and TFue would fit indeed
  4. Decent Applications and maybe worth considering: KSZ The Canadian TFue Fours4 Deger (not sure, there was some weird stuff going on with him on Nulled) Doke Rest is not really good enough imo
  5. Next time post your random trash in the LQ Lounge Section, that's where your "feedback" belongs.
  6. Look. This is a reply right? If this idea gets accepted, Then I'll be able to delete this reply whenever I want. That's what "Deleted post button" means. It's like the report button excepts, well, it deletes not report That's some basic MyBB stuff that would work. However we don't want (for now) users to be able to delete their own posts. Furthermore posts would be just "soft deleted", which means they still exist, you just can't see them but staff members can.
  7. No idea what you mean as "Delete Post Button" has a very broad meaning. Can you elaborate?
  8. Can you leave me the thread you tried to make a post on? Was it in the regular marketplace?
  9. Let's see if you can use some of your brain cells and answer the question yourself
  10. I'm already in a fourm called v3rmillion where you don't pay for anything And I don't leech I just don't like wasting time on shit like "FREEE GIFTCARDS" like nah They make money by forcing us to buy it like "UPGRADE TO PREMIUM TO BYPASS RESTRICTIONS WOO HAHHH" lmao and I'm not stupid, I'm a student in college with a student credit card. Atleast I'm not thirsty for booty. Enjoy the basic content on V3rmillion then. Thank god we offer those who decide to pay good and unique content. And for those who don't want to pay can just grind to get their auth key. Do you flame Netflix as well because they charge 10€ a month to watch their movies and series? I mean they could just provide them for free, couldn't they? I don't think you understood the basics of economy. Either way you are not that kind of an user we like to see here, hence I banned your account. Enjoy whatever place you are finding to leech stuff.
  11. Theres a purpose behind this, it's not going to be removed.
  12. Thanks man, appreciate your kind words :)
  13. Sorry for the delay. We made some changes to the sections overview and following a section is back. You'll find all sections and threads that you follow in your usercp in the menu.
  14. I have this on my list, but there are other things with higher prio. Tagging myself so I don't forget this, thanks for the input Nord. @floraiN
  15. floraiN

    problem with auth

    Make sure your firewall or anti virus doesn't block any connection or tool.
  16. floraiN

    Issues with my acc

    I have no idea why it doesn't work for you. There's no known issue from our side and a lot of members activated their 2FA already
  17. There is an award for reaching 2k shouts and statistics are included in the shoutbox navbar. I think it's fine the way it is