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Everything posted by peterfoy

  1. Good config, doesn't need the best proxies but it works out ;)
  2. Thanks for sharing that proxy provider q_q low chance to get anything from it
  3. *sniff* all dead *sniff* stop posting cash links :??:
  4. Unless is 1:1 rate then I don't mind for anyone to try it, other than that, if it's not 1:1 then RIP Although I am aware that if it's not 1:1 or even if it is, then I would imagine that those giftcards must be carded or something ?
  5. Make the best choice for your career whilst being a member in :pupper: The future awaits you :ezy:
  6. Good shit to use to be honest xD
  7. Looks more like a Christmas tree effect
  8. The accounts are flashing like a grenade, they seem to have been fucked.
  9. Thanks, going to check it out
  10. [video=youtube] Prepare your PENIS - (Reminds me of China) [video=youtube]
  11. [video=youtube] Use the title in the forum to translate it for your self when watching this rap battle - pretty much how everything went up and VpsArk died. Although the beating went from Nulled :fine:
  12. @thecrazy It's called Ebola outbreak, that's why such forum threads exists. xD