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  1. So many of these posts are now people just reposting the same shit, I hope it isn't the same shit.
  2. That's a big fucking file man. But it does say it's been voted as infected. I hope it's not.
  3. "Real nudes" I don't get it, what constitutes as fake vs real nudes?
  4. I gotta upgrade my account again, commenting is just.. obnoxious.
  5. The use of "young" is concerning. Won't be looking just wanted to state my own opinion.
  6. Treat people with respect was probably the biggest golden rule he gave me.
  7. AS I SAID I THINK ITS A FUNNY GUIDE DON'T TAKE EVERYTHING HERE SO SERIOUS :fiesta: I believe I took the guide anything but serious when I called it flawed. :kek:
  8. This guide is flawed, if you start talking to a lesbian about your penis, you think she's gonna start shipping out her nudes to you? Lmao. Social engineering or not, "every girl" is a bit of a long shot.
  9. British? Thank you for the upload. Maybe I'll enjoy a cuppa while I look.
  10. I'll be sure to check it out, and thank you for the upload. Edit: This is the same leak as 2 other users have already posted.
  11. I love the name and animated avatar, made me laugh. Favourite childhood movie. Thank you for the upload.
  12. 70 gb. Holy hell. Lmao, that's a lot of nudes. I just remember, "gb of porn" being a joke.
  13. Looking at the times it's been said to not be working, I don't have my hopes up. But let's find out anyways.
  14. These uploads never disappoint, until I find that most of the images are from 8 years ago. Thank you for this upload though, I'll look into it. Update: Doesn't work, don't waste your time.
  15. I'll look at this one for sure, I'm excited to see the contents inside. I was going to ask where you got these anyways, kind of crazy. Thanks for the upload