Perileos 145 @Her Onyx is a shit group, they justify carding. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
POP 132 You can't complain in a free market. You can do their exact same strategy, no one is giving them any priviledge. Why don't you try to raise your prices and see how that works? You are simply complaining as they are getting better business than you. Oh and about Cracking p4r4d0x... good luck with that. You will quickly realize managing a forum is a much bigger task than you are giving the staff of this forum credit for. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
xMoses 206 You can't complain in a free market. You can do their exact same strategy, no one is giving them any priviledge. Why don't you try to raise your prices and see how that works? You are simply complaining as they are getting better business than you. Oh and about Cracking p4r4d0x... good luck with that. You will quickly realize managing a forum is a much bigger task than you are giving the staff of this forum credit for. couldn't agree more, well said Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
TheShred 83 Tbh this forum needs 4 main things to stop it being like other forums, 1. A better Anti-Leech system (Like they can't do a post until they have done a thread or a mod has approved them) 2. Mainly removal of spam and crap posts would be good and would help the forum a lot 3. Making me a mod cause i'm great and ill actually spend a hour clearing out leechers everyday unlike the current mods and admins :kek: 4. Giving mods a weekly online requirement, its just if your gonna be a mod you have to be on a decent amount and you have to actually be able to put in the work, the current mods are on but usually are doing something else Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Teken 143 Wtf is your problems with the Trial mods :??: They're much online and do their job great. Best Trial mods cracked had so far :pepeokay: Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
flaxman 21 In my opinion, there should from now on be invite only forum. for a while. to get away all these leechers and RAT Spreading people. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
KarosSkyArmy 236 Someone actually spoke the words that i've been holding for months now. I highly agree with you these are all the reasons (except for the tmod one) that made me retire from cto. @Her :pepelove: Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Ordwise 151 My Comment Will Probably Not Be Mattered But Ill Comment Anyway 1. I Agree With you on that one, almost every godlike is a leecher like @have gratitude and @mesvak , and there should be a solution for them. 2. Disinfectors Do Work, There Are A Lot of threads begin deleted because of them, but mistakes do happen and they are human as well, I'm pretty sure that there will be a solution for those small amounts of threads which have viruses in them pretty soon! 3. There Is absolutely no reason to hate on onyx, you can't judge me if I sell a Spotify for config for $500 or a psn config for $1, what I can see is your probably jealous from them, they have done a pretty good job for this forum, they have released a lot of tools for this forum, what is your problem if they put their name on it? 4. If You Use A Little bit of your brain and browse Statistics Section, you will see that trial mods have done a hefty job for this forum, sure they are offline sometimes or inactive, but they have something known as "LIFE" which they have to work on as well, they don't live in a basement and have work to do in real life. 5. I Still see shoutbox begin much much better then's mb, look at's mb you will see the real form of "CANCER" and "PLEBS" 6. Active member rank is a low rank, it is supposed to be given when the member is active, there is basically 0 difference between member and an active member so no need for judgement on that 7. Most of those who agree to this thread are KIDS and should just be banned, they serve no purpose here as they don;t have a brain to think about this thread instead of simply complaining "Yahhhhh he rIgHt wHy EevRyOnE bEtTer ThEN mE thYe sHoULd Be banANnNeDD AnnDDD I ShUlD rEciVE SuPremE rANK For Free" Also, Don't fuck with team eclipse :ezy: Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
floraiN 253 That's a nice wall you've written. Only problem is that 90% of your text is either crap or using arguments that are not related to the Forum itself. 1. Every "HQ Member" is a leecher now. I'm not sure if you understood the definition of a leecher. You might go to the help docs and give Anti-Leeching another read. 2. Disinfectors don't do SHIT Yeah, this makes a mainstream forum like any other. Because they don't do shit. You should accept that there are always more active and less active people having that rank. Of course we can kick some of the inactive Disinfectors, but we rather give them more time to come back when they feel like they can invest more time. The concept with Disinfectors is working pretty well (way less people get infected and most RATs/Malware deleted before published) - in fact this concept is not used by any other big forums. So how about you appreciate that there even is a group of members that take care of other users for fucking free?! 3. Team Onyx Again you are judging a whole forum based on a certain group of users. Do you really expect that a forum with hundreds of thousands users all act the way you'd like them to? Not even to mention that you cry like a baby because they are overpricing configs or whatever they are selling? Who the fuck cares how much they charge. It's their product and their price. If you don't want to pay it - then don't. If others feel like it's worth paying the amount, then let them pay it. Are you jealous? That would be my only conclusion. I increase banner prices for regulary as well. Do I give a shit if someone says that's overpriced? No I don't. Have the confidence to play with your own rules. But again; not a valid argument why this forum becomes like any other. Let's check if your other points are getting better. 4. Trial Mods They are active, they are solving a lot of reports, they are warning and banning leechers, they are taking care of spammers in the shoutbox. What's your problem here again? They don't do many mistakes either and even if they do - they are trials. Allow them mistakes and to learn from it. But your sentences are based on "blablabla, cancer" and "cancer, blablabla". So I couldn't take point 4 serious either. Onto the next one. 5. Shoutbox But, if we removed it, it would start to filter out some leechers, not all, but some. It should stay for the kids ofc, but in my opinion it should go fuck its self. In my opinion most of your shoutbox shouts, that I noticed, have been childish, not funny, full of attention seeking (along with your whole thread(s)) and stupid. This could be either due to my different taste of humor or my different level of mental maturity. Either way - if you don't like the people that are chatting in the shoutbox, then don't fucking participate and blame the whole Brand for it. Are you for fucking real? I'm getting really pissed now that almost every point you mentioned is full of bullshit. You should consider working for politicans. PS: New shoutbox will have a hide option. Happy? Okay, forum is way better now. *pfffff* 6. Active Members So basically all you flame about again is leeching. Do you know how this forum looks like if we tighten the forum rules, leeching or trying to ban those duplicate thread posters? It would be a dead place that no one would give a shit about. And then there would be a user called Her, that would create a thread with "!!111oneeleven, this is a dead forum". Here's my conclusion: If you have a problem with someone that leeched a lot but isn't banned yet, use the report buttoin and mods will handle it. This forum keeps growing constantly, brings always fresh blood to the game, has some nice exclusive releases and content, is technical wise in a really good shape (in terms of features and usability) and still only one year old. You should accept that not every member is going to be how you'd like him to be. You will always have a certain kind of users that break the rules, might copy threads from somewhere else or behave like a 12-years old. But you'll have that in EVERY FORUM that's on the level of a big forum. I'm really happy with that overall state of this forum, all statistics that you cannot see are doing very well. Last but not least let me give you a last advice. Appreciate what you have before it becomes what you had. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites