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Everything posted by KSZ

  1. I have tested all their packages, the speed of the vps are very good. High speed internet. And the specs you get for such low price is definately worth it. Deploy time is in minutes. Recommended thus!
  2. KSZ

    Xen0N - Ban Appeal

    you definitely did not read rules. that's why you made multi and went ahead to leech stuff to get 5 post requirement and then use sb again. Ban was imposed due to your spam comments on threads and not due to your sb behaviour.You didnt even take time to browse our site and understand it thats why you can find your acc. search it from here and get the link. : https://cracked.to/memberlist.php , your ip wont be unbanned until acc is decided to be unbanned.
  3. You need to have post to thread ratio below 1:7 , so for every 1 thread, you can post upto 7 posts to not be a leecher. if you agree to contribute more we would be happy to lift ban.
  4. ty but wrong section :kappa: and also we use shareX
  5. KSZ

    Buying workers

    This is a bump
  6. @purpz make a deal dispute thread here :https://cracked.to/Forum-Deal-disputes
  7. 1. Not at all my point 2. ik Team Onyx is not a forum team, they just spam LQ content thats "HQ" and no one cares about half there checkers 3. 90% of active members post like 20 threads and be afk for a week, thats not being "active" what I was saying was, basically anyone can get it if they leech 4. Your pointing this out bc ur mod for one. two I never see you do your job and its not a "flame" its my opinion 1. Of course you never had a point, you gave problem and i suggested a solution on it, its easy to cry then find solutions. 3. give a solution for that, dont go by its name, its just the lowest and easiest achievable rank here. 4. You cant see our job, but ofcourse you gonna come here and say "oh i see 100 cash links when I woke up" but since the time you have registered you have only reported 100 posts, but still wants to only complain rather than be the change and report it, if not solved then complain. And i do agree nothing is perfect right now there is a lot of work to be done. if you want you play your part too and use the report button.
  8. The post requirements to use shoutbox should be increased to reduce that thing of it being spammed by randoms. It should be based upon highrr post counts lets say 25 to 50 and also few likes. 3. Team Onyx is not a forum team . They are users who have bought their own group. So idk whats your point there. And the statement seems to be out of jealousy Active members requirements have increased already so not justified point. Point regarding Mod is something i cant really comment on or most probably it seems like a Flame.
  9. On 27 of March 2019, you asked a user to give you reputation: https://gyazo.com/a5666c6bb20c6f5486b0b97883aac8f0 I informed you to not do it: https://i.imgur.com/WrHvfb2.png You were given warning points, and they increased to the point that you were banned for 3 days for asking reps so obviously you knew it wasn't allowed. your reps were even deleted. You come back again to do this on 12 April: https://prnt.sc/nayzi9, https://prnt.sc/nayyq5 and did it on pastr so you can delete it and you did, but we got screenshots of proofs. Btw this ban appeal isn't public.
  10. KSZ

    Delete this.

    @KarosSkyArmy Well, i wish you good luck for the future ahead of you.hope to see you soon again :pepe:
  11. placeholder, i will dedicate it to a pleb if i win :ksz:
  12. leechers are necessary for forum activity, it would look dead without them and leechers. They however do have 14 post limit
  13. @zawipezec So basically what you did was like boosting through your friends as you just started to get to requirements of auth key. You also did not read our rules so yeah read them here: https://cracked.to/misc.php?action=help @Jocker i think a second chance can be given by removing the boosted likes.
  14. You are a weeb , #communityservice
  15. alright i am broke rn so will join anyway
  16. Follow this format : https://cracked.to/Announcement-Ban-Appeals-Format
  17. KSZ

    50 REP AWARD
