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  1. Thanks for sharing. My config is running super slow lately using mobile API. Wanting to see if the CPM are better here. Thank you.
  2. Thanks for the combo. Hope to get some hits with it. EDIT: Dead Link!
  3. Thanks for the config. I'm curious how Selenium works, so going to see how you applied fail keys etc. EDIT: FAILED TO IMPORT. ON 2.1.6 AND 2.4.4.
  4. Opening browser... OpenQA.Selenium.DriverServiceNotFoundException: The chromedriver.exe file does not exist in the current directory or in a directory on the PATH environment variable. The driver can be downloaded at at OpenQA.Selenium.DriverService.FindDriverServiceExecutable(String executableName, Uri downloadUrl) at OpenQA.Selenium.Chrome.ChromeDriverService.CreateDefaultService() at RuriLib.SBlockBrowserAction.OpenBrowser(BotData data) Executed browser action Open on input <--- Executing Block NAVIGATE ---> Open a browser first! ERROR: Browser not open I'm trying to create my first Selenium thread, I understand the concept and how it works, but I'm having an issue opening browser. I download latest Chromedriver and put it in the OpenBullet folder. But not sure if that's correct. Any advice or help would be greatly appreciated. I also looked under Setting > Environment.ini and checked for a path to the browser or something but didn't see anything relevant.