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Everything posted by jokowijongos

  1. how you do that? why im always getting " empty reply error"
  2. im broked should lower the price or don't make it monthly subscriptions..kinda interested though
  3. that's stupid dont have to fasting if u not a muslim...nobody forcing you ...but you can pay respect to them by not eating infront of them ,if you do they will remember you and take a note for that
  4. man...mehmed doesnt watch mofo bro
  5. use latest maxip databse instead...even shitty proxy program like no hand proxy works flawless..what matter is the proxy source im also use this tool to bot ads impressions i need ip from tire 1 country only (short proxy based by country)
  6. is your version api based just like earlier release who got blocked? if yes or using similar what if got blocked again?and also does the normal captcha modules working? i need the recaptcha module
  7. doing what? can you be more a little specific? doing porn also paid big buck
  8. fb suck...their restriction nowday is tighter than virgin ass