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Everything posted by Oxyde

  1. Oxyde


    What are you saying ? Are you high ?
  2. I tried it and got banned for 1 day from their shoutbox :monkas:
  3. There was a Discord server , but it got removed now due to Shoutbox inactivity.
  4. Still waiting for the penthouse !
  5. Oxyde

    nae-nae test.

    Good & excellent test , nae nae
  6. who is still e whoring in 2019
  7. Longest thread Longest threadLongest thread
  8. For the members that are contributing to this by reporting spammers/Leechers (..), will be awarded by getting a Rebel Fighter award . And for those who find any Bug in the website without Leaking/Abusing it ,will get the Bug Finder Award . Suggest better names for the awards , ,if you are interested . Both awards Will be in the Special awards section
  9. Report the Problem to Staff Members , if the issue is common for a lot of members .
  10. The mobile version for my phone is working fine . I think your issue is related to the resolution maybe . Otherwise , i can suggest that a lot of new features needs to be added to the mobile version .
  11. It looks like :ezy: and :coolpepe: ? But i am for replacing :coolpepe: with the suggested emote .
  12. Flag name items depends on the percentage of users of 'x' country .
  13. As far as i'm concerned , i think that creating a new section where we can post APK And all Android/Apple related stuff is a great idea . But , Up to now , you can just post these topics in Other Leaks Section .
  14. Do you mean this ? :pepehappy:
  15. Oxyde


    Hey , welcome to this forum and enjoy your stay !
  16. Thats meaningless tbh . You cant be hq by the number of posts/threads. Oh if you have 0 threads and just 20 posts but 400 reputation score, then you're just, what? A leecher? :kappa: Depends on the type of posts ,and I have said that this feature is only for exclusive members
  17. True. On HF people went to mass delete their threads so they looked more "OG" / cool. Thats meaningless tbh . You cant be hq by the number of posts/threads.
  18. I think you can claim Banned members usernames , its paid though . Contact @Florain for more info .