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Everything posted by Lazarus

  1. This isn't that old Steam code bruteforcing source from over 10 years ago, is it?
  2. Is this just a base, or does it have any features?
  3. I'll never need this, but I might as well check it out. EDIT: Files have been deleted Discord-side...meaning none of us can download. Why host the files on Discord?
  4. Could be interesting, hope it's still available.
  5. Sounds like you really don't have to do much, just come up with a name and buy a domain name.
  6. This sounds truly beneficial, I will have to check this out.
  7. I don't think I've seen this anywhere yet, I'll have to check it out.
  8. I wish they'd made one themselves instead of only giving people an API.
  9. I'm actually quite curious about the possibility of combining this with Tor.