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Everything posted by GettingRevenge

  1. Me, with the right keywords you get very good hits. the hits will die after a day or 2 tho :kek:
  2. you may laugh but my favorite song is "sound of silence"
  3. I am going to gather 3 crackers Searching for HQ arabic/american crackers stupid enough to join a HQ stupid fool cracker like me :fine: Our main goal is the word "Earning" If you think you are HQ enough to come,then give it a try :hype:
  4. bruh... Kids coming to this forum and posting shit jokes
  5. i am already a good Social engineer but more knowledge is always better
  6. C/C++ is much complicated and need a lot of time as far as i know
  7. Just want to check because i am learning it right now
  8. i have an I7 intel processor Better than any animal
  9. yeah i am not sure if SErs are the reason for the FBI to investigate google pixels can anybody confirm it?
  10. when you get 0 hits on your combos (even for spotify) GIVE ME THAT COMBO xD
  11. i dont recommend to start with C or C++ because there are complex and need a big knowledge
  12. Exactly but starting with a sensitive language as c# will train the programmers to write a well-built code at any language they might learn after
  13. this is a classic generator but good work if this is coded without another generator as the base of it
  14. Quick question Why is Antileech the king of nulled in
  15. wrong section :kek: and are these generated?
  16. i earn like 10$ everyday would like to discover new methods tho :)