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Everything posted by GettingRevenge

  1. I remember this problem from nulled when LQ crackers make combos with slayer leecher or any other generator then say that this combo is a gaming combo dumped from a HQ database for likes and reputation which is good and bad at the same time (good for leechers and bad for the members that need a HQ comboist ASAP My suggestion:Making a special rank for HQ crackers to test the combos in this section then give there opinion about it such as COMBO TESTER or anything like that
  2. So i have been here for 3 days and i am seeing this forum growing bigger and bigger and i am proud being an active member here this is why i wanted to suggest adding advertisements such as google adsense so the admins can profit from there work and so leechers become useful :kek:
  3. [hide] [/hide]
  4. i am like 99% sure this is a generator related Edit: Its the first time i hear about this method gonna try it now But the easiest way to make dorks is to generate them
  5. Dont leech and do something useful for me or i will report you :kek:
  6. [hide] [/hide]
  7. these dorks took me hours to compete them and i didnt make much since i was too busy in another cracking thing Anyways these are HQ asf and if you dont like them feel free to downvote me Here we go [hide] [/hide]
  8. did you use mixed dorks for this one? if this combo is HQ i will let you know this combo is HQ asf definitely recommend it
  9. This tutorial will be short but important,really important for the people who wants to start in the crypto currency world Lets start then [hide] Now here is the thing,bitcoin and etherium and some big cryptos are going down dont risk your money buying them,using bitcoin is only for privacy and i recommend to send it immediatly to paypal to ensure your money is safe You have 2 ways to earn from cryptocurrency -Waiting for bitcoin to crash then buy it and wait until it price rise up again : you are gambling your money if you do so -Investing in new crypto : pay attention at this because it may be a scam and you loose money (this case happened a lot in the last year
  10. what should you expect from Atlas HQ google dorks with amazing adds Gonna tell you soon if there are HQ or there are HQ EDIT:this is HQ af
  11. I agree because many leechers takes the combo for themselves and dont give back to the forum and in the same time but not everyone have a strong pc/good RDP to dehash the passwords
  12. I noticed that a lot of people started to put there HQ dorks in the other dumps forum which is not right because dorks are not dumped/its not good to merge them with the dumps I suggest to make a forum only for dorks so people can find what they need easily and to make the website looks better
  13. Hope you enjoy lads [hide] [/hide] Leech and i will :pepegun: you
  14. basically if this is HQ my life will be saved Gonna tell you soon if this combo is HQ
  15. Dont leech or i will :pepegun: in the report section Enjoy HQ members :kek: [hide] Investing on cracking is one of the most important steps to make good profit and this investing skills might help you even outside of the cracking world.But i wont talk about how to get these skills because you need to be smart to obtain them,maybe i will if you guys want it (tell me in the reply section) its :ezy: to get a nice budget to start with +investing helps you getting even more money You might ask WHERE SHOULD I USE THIS MONEY? If you are asking this question my friend... then you are an idiot There are several ways to invest but the best things to invest on are these An rdp : gonna make a whole thread about how to earn from this amazing thing soon A checker: you cant use some old outdated checkers to get hits,your best option is SNIPR,basically its the best checker right now Methods: you can use these to improve your cracking skills and you might even modify them to make them more HQ Dorks: now this is tricky because you wont use the dorks to scan them (only smart people will understand what i mean) Configs: this is optional because you can make them yourself but if you have 0 experience with .ini files or you are lazy af like me you can buy them [/hide] This explanation took me too much time so make me happy and make a nice thread (so we can both be happy) But ofc i wont mind to report some leechers :smart: