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Everything posted by GettingRevenge

  1. you should post this in products or services not in accounts
  2. Great work! I will test it, i hope work friend :pepo: like my thread and i will put more HQ stuff here
  3. [hide] [/hide] Let me see this color :fiesta: Kidding i mean this color :pepo:
  4. This is just a random proxy list lol what do you mean this is a combolist xD
  5. i want to see this color :fiesta: Sorry i mean this color :pepo: [hide] [/hide]
  6. this is not bad actually But the main way is using proxy/vpn/tor/SSH
  7. we do not say SQL hack we say SQL injection
  8. I think this feature would be nice because the unwanted users (leechers) never write threads and only write posts to get free stuff from this forum+this will help the admins/mods a lot cleaning the forum from leechers My suggestion: Auto-banning users who dont write threads for 7 days or even less If the admins like my idea i want to say that people may write threads in the lounge/help sections to bypass this
  9. when you get 0 hits on spotify YOU CAN COME HERE XD
  10. oh come on who doesnt know how to use that browser to access the onion websites I personally use it only for my privacy because the deep web is really a bad place to visit for the first time
  11. Hope this is as HQ as your shop combolists because there are good asf
  12. [hide] [/hide]
  13. i suggest DMC for you Its fast and stable
  14. are you the one who translated it?
  15. [hide] I will try to explain this tool the easiest way for the newbies and people who wants to try it for the first time V3n0m is a proxy-less Linux vulnerability scanning tool, but to make it easy for you guys.its a Linux tool that scans vulnerability URLs with your dorks,the program was modded after to be compatible with windows This tool get URLs only from Bing search engine,and this is where i need to correct your knowledge my friend.Its a fact that Bing URLs are less HQ than Google URLs,but Bing itself is not LQ,my friend managed to get a 350k combolist only from bing OK,now lets dive into the good/bad things about v3n0m I will start with the good things -V3n0m is a simple tool to use (to understand how it works you need to learn lotta things first) -Doesn't take much RAM/CPU out of your computer -Open source program (i think i dont have to explain this) -You will get more URLs from your dorks that you will get from other vulnerability scanners -Its proxyless (the best thing about this tool) Now the bad parts -The windows version of this tool is not as good as the Linux version -This tool doesn't save progress (Maybe this will be added) -It crashes 90% of the time (Its a linux tool) Now my opinion about it:I personally use this tool and its an OP tool for me,but if want the biggest combo you might get i prefer to run both SQLi dumper and v3n0m to get the most urls from my dorks and yeah that is it... [/hide] Now i want to see this color to be happy :fiesta: Joking i mean this color :pepo: -
  16. The Real Antileech+Dorks=HQ asf
  17. Its not only the shitposting that makes nulled a shit forum tho
  18. Nulled is already dying because of leechers/inactive members/idiot staff I hope that this wont happen here ESPECIALLY NOT BECAUSE OF BAD STAFF
  19. Bro you need to know that netflix has an automatic password changer when they notice that you tried to connect (brute login) an account So yeah you need HQ paid proxies