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Everything posted by CadyYaBoiP

  1. Sweet, perfect time to announce that I'm a heartless moralless person who want's free v-bucks
  2. Last time I saw one of these it was Ratted so monkaS
  3. okay they all worked u can have a like... FOR NOW
  4. no like sorry until these work
  5. bro tamboza dont do this to me., im tryna relax but you dropping good shit ;(
  6. im not tryna get bullied at home broski ;(
  7. Nope, it expires when it does. I've got some more links from one of them which ill post soon
  8. sweet, perfect thing for me to leech from!
  9. will edit with current state of this method leechers beware, you actually have to work
  10. If you have a soul and don't want to do this yourself, just send me what you want, multiple addresses (drops/reships), and $1 for every address. [why cheap? well, It's a 50/50 chance that you actually get something so, not tryna rob you] :pepe: Discord SpecialKillerJ#1322