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Everything posted by Cashings

  1. but i mean it do not load codes file like if i put LEQFA895264:a it will check only the code?
  2. how i can make it work storm load xxx:xxx text file lines
  3. just skip the delivery check adress and start from code check step i meant in kantu not on amazon yeah just stop the kantu script and start it from the place where it checks codes
  4. just skip the delivery check adress and start from code check step
  5. I didn't but it's private and updated every time it got patched
  6. Hi, i want to sell an exclusive AE config for BlackBullet official version only ( not cracked ) 1K+ CPM with HQ proxies, works with public ones too Up to 5 bots without proxy (400 CPM) 200$ BTC ONLY Contact Aviad#7147 on discord to buy and for more infos/proof No vouch copies availaible
  7. Hi, i want to sell an exclusive AE config for BlackBullet official version only ( not cracked ) 1K+ CPM with HQ proxies, works with public ones too [align=center]Up to 5 bots without proxy (400 CPM) [/align] 200$ BTC ONLY [align=center]Contact Aviad#7147 on discord to buy and for more infos/proof No vouch copies availaible[/align]
  8. [align=center]Today i release a public fortnite checker that works with the new api I don't think it was released here so enjoy[/align] Download : [hide]!STBRkKJA!VuiQ5FscsVVABnkQPOsLYUQILBjBuCbpTNoXfik3O2A[/hide] [align=center] VT (false positive because of obfuscation, i don't know why that rate of bad analysis) : Don't forget the like ; ) [/align]
  9. Cashings

    New here

    Welcome, enjoy your stay in :)
  10. Cashings


    closed no need anmore
  11. maybe the screen is fake but there are some config now to crack it and its not false