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Everything posted by Isaac

  1. I hope that I get pruned too :pepe:
  2. You legit are very good at making memes.
  3. I have been given a vouch copy for this E-book to in exchange for leaving an honest review. I have read through the E-book and must say that this is an actual cool method which I have never seen this anywhere being released, referring to the OP's statement in the title, this is actually an easy method which will most likely work with no investment, all you need is a bit of knowledge and if you are not in possession of it then the seller will help you for sure. The fact that there are only 4 copies available (one vouch which has been taken) will most likely keep this method working for a long time and you will make your investment in buying this E-book back easily by doing the SE twice. The seller is very friendly and helpful from what I've seen and whenever I have any questions or in need of help then I will feel safe to ask him about it. I recommend you buying this E-book if you're looking to make money, please note that this is not quick money, but easy it is. I will update this vouch once I got results!
  4. This is one of the hardest social media to bot Sir.
  5. Putting a cashlink in a paste 200IQ
  6. I have received a vouch copy for this service and this is my honest review; The method which OP is selling is legal and it seems very promising as he updates information regarding the method daily, the method makes sense. I've chatted with him for a small 40 minutes and from my perspective he seems like an intelligent guy and has knowledge and experience in what he does. There's also a Discord group with all customers in it where you can help each other out if there's any problem or confusion. Seems great and I'm going to try this out, I'll update the vouch with the results once I got it.
  8. Buy rat and a crypter, now that's a real investment :kappa:
  9. Isaac

    Hi !

    You have Supreme which equals banshield.
  10. It is ok for a beginner. Bass is too hard and video is too amateurish. If you didn't add too many edits and kept the bass low it would've been way better.
  11. @florain can help u. 'Sorry for cheat'.
  12. I know MrCreeptoes for a year now and he is trusted. A very peaceful, honest, helpful and friendly weeb. :pepelove:
  13. If I win then keep the money for yourself. I don't have any jokes, I are rarted.
  14. scammer u already + repped me before i bought SHUT UP NOOB I KILL YOU IRL
  15. Paid for an rdp which I received within 10 minutes, great quality, BUY NOW OR I -REP YOU FAKINK RETART.
  16. The service which they provide is good, but the owners aren't friendly at all.