xd Fitz

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Everything posted by xd Fitz

  1. if image doesnt work, here is the link: https://shoppy.gg/@xdFitz/groups/0xuyA05 if you want to view https://i.imgur.com/XWWNwCG.png Coupon code is : THREAD im sry if image is too big.
  2. Nice combo, hope to get some hits out of this. <3
  3. sorry, didnt know it broke the rules, if an admin sees this please delete, thank you <3
  4. Vortexx's Mass-Emailer What it is: Vortexx's Mass-Emailer is a program which emails a bunch of people (you input their emails) your custom subject & message. It is perfect for businesses! Screenshot: http://prntscr.com/nbzdfe (it can do any email provider!) How to Buy: Add: Vortexx#3989 On Discord to buy it (costs $5) Does it have Auth: Yes, you get a Serial Key and you can Customize it! How Fast? Dumb fast (depends on internet, i get 100 Emails/Minute) Common Errors & Fixes: [align=center]E: Smtp - Cant Send Email F: Go to your gmail and send an email to anyone E. The SMTP Server requires a secure connection 5.5.1 F. Restart your PC, then go to https://www.google.com/settings/security/lesssecureapps and enable less secure apps[/align] Other Info: - You need a Gmail Account to send emails, but you can send to any email provider - There is refunds - I accept PayPal & Crypto (Bitcoin, Litecoin, etc.) VOUCH COPIES GIVEN: 0/2 (Repped users only) dm me (Vortexx#3989) for a vouch copy
  5. RBX USER KILLER https://shoppy.gg/product/C1IytHA The Best Roblox Vacant-Username Grabber What It Does? This program can A) Generate & Check Usernames for Vacancy. B) Check a Specific Username. C) Check Usernames of a List (.txt) Screenshot: [/img] RBX Discord: ux8x5Pg
  6. Ill test these w/ my new checker i made :)