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Glitch or Input Error For someusers For Hidden Content

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I know this is a Mistake made by some users But sometimes a New member can access the Hidden Content that has Link


Demo Below... Try Using it in Incognito mode to understand What I am trying to say


I hope this will be fixed... or it will say as a mistake which many will do  :pepe: :pepe: :kek:


When U hove over Hidden Content you can still access it... I know why it happens but just asking can this be fixed.. coz I see many users including me doing this mistake






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When I go in incognito it doesn't show for me... This might be some caching issue for you?


Edit: it does show in source :kappa:

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Oh like that... ye I have the same....

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Can It be fixed... Coz many do this on Rush and Mess up LIKE Me LMAO

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