AZATEJ 109 Cracking board CRACK.SX (previously got breached. In this database are weakly hashed passwords (md5 + salt), private messages, ips and other user details. This was done as a revenge for cracking BlackBullet, MailRanger and disrespecting the community. More revenge would be leaking it over pastebin by dehashing it with weleakinfo engine and their hash DB, but let's call it a lesson. I prefer to avoid innocent victims. We, and I personally dont have any benefits from releasing or trading the database. This because a lot of members are customers of mine, members of nulled and members. It wont help me, the boards or the overall community to share your credentials. We suggest not signing up on this forum as the admins obviously don't know how to run a board. Their site got breached just after a few weeks of operating and will always be insecure. Last but not least, Jesus said that we should forgive so we forgive you, Yuki & Crank. I decided today to make an announcement that CRACK.SX database was breached (few weeks back), they knew that they lost HIGHLY VALUABLE content which they should take care of. But they lost it and it happens - but in that kind of scenario, they should post an announcement that the members and their password are potentially shared in the open internet web with really week MD5 hashes. There's no red or blue pill if you are an admin of a board, your job is to get balls and share information's about breach of your data - especially when there's a lot of members, you got breached and YOU ARE STILL GAINING NEW MEMBERS to your forum. This made me giggle af. INSERT INTO crackers_posts (pid,tid,replyto,fid,subject,icon,uid,username,dateline,message,ipaddress,includesig,smilieoff,edituid,edittime,editreason,visible,thx_send_mail) VALUES ('4778','573','4747','58','RE: | AntiPublic Checker','0','869','rodex','1538462318','I mean why you're cracking this tool XD\r\nAZATEJ Won't be nice',')h†i','0','0','869','1538462360','','1','0'); I mean why you're cracking this tool XD\r\nAZATEJ Won't be nice',') I mean why you're cracking this tool XD\r\nAZATEJ Won't be nice',') I mean why you're cracking this tool XD\r\nAZATEJ Won't be nice',') - staff accounts, had to remove n3rox data, since its friend of mine. I didn't personally want to involve him into it, it was one of the reasons why I didn't share this DB too. - Interesting leaker, got an account here. - Well, IM MODERATOR THERE now. 10 people have a copy of that SQL right now - only trusted and reputable. It won't get leaked, don't ask me about that case, its closed case when it comes to that specific files. Avoid problems, avoid me. With love Azatej Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Gakiet 34 Who could predict the fact that the forum was made in 5 minutes and pretend to be competition with 2 big forums will be bad idea. Cracksx owners are known from be 0 iq niggers, good examples: leaking 5$ unprotected tool after they stated that they are not "enemy" anymore, paying shadow to reverese tool and pretend to be one who reverese one, ignore arguments in forum discussion, when they state they are untouchable i downed their forum for overall 24h+ and they dont give a single fuck to atleast prevent it in future so i get it that they dont really care about fact that some users bought ranks on their forum and cant acces forum. Greetings Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Preaux 24 Mess with AZATEJ and you lose your online spaghetti. :hype: Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SecantX 3 These guys should be glad that you're a nice guy, respect++ Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
floraiN 252 "I accidentally placed the database on public_html" Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
NitrouZ 121 "I accidentally placed the database on public_html" :kek: Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Natsu19 42 Good was it SQL injection vulnerable site? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
AZATEJ 109 Good was it SQL injection vulnerable site? No, they shared it in public_html No, its not a meme joke. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Natsu19 42 Good was it SQL injection vulnerable site? No, they shared it in public_html No, its not a meme joke. Lol :pogchamp: Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Gakiet 34 Best part is that they use it as argument to defend but it only prove their stupidity even more Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Am1nol 256 Some proof that this database actually has 1300+ users. Since they claimed it was only 300 users big. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
shycrackzz 59 Lmao knew it would something like that happen lmao Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BARNEYYYY 0 UR SMART AT THIS MAD LAD RESPECT :fiesta: Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Yuki 42 Lmao lol ironic xD plain text passwords Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites