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Everything posted by Gakiet

  1. I think award for prevent forum user from malware is good, same as bug hunter and security. Skid hunter help administration with banning leechers. About poggers award, yes, that one is usless. So, tbh all awards that i mention except poggers is worth and no usless
  2. no problem. listings are tickets currently on sales, when someone buy it, money will be on paypal attached to that account Oh right right, all makes sense now, thanks this would work a treat then. :pogchamp: no problem m8 :pepo: ps. send me ya credits :pepo:
  3. juras suck his dick when he was teenager
  4. u guys still try mc ? accounts are worth like 0,1$ per full access or even cheaper
  5. ohh i write a lot on thread. If u manage to get account with listings better than 0, then u login to account, then setup your paypal as payment option(your i mean u need multi pp account, cuz u dont want risk your main paypal), then, if someone buy tickets from cracked account(dont worry, most tickets will be sold always), then u recive that money on paypal. Then, u have several ways, for me i suggest after recive money just wait 1-2 week, if u dont get chargeback, try to withdraw it somehow :pepo: Ah okay thank you, I just don't quite understand the listing/ticket sales. Sorry I haven't used the site. :??: no problem. listings are tickets currently on sales, when someone buy it, money will be on paypal attached to that account
  6. Gakiet


    use hide tag, [.hide] thing u wanna hide[./hide] and remove dot in brackets
  7. ohh i write a lot on thread. If u manage to get account with listings better than 0, then u login to account, then setup your paypal as payment option(your i mean u need multi pp account, cuz u dont want risk your main paypal), then, if someone buy tickets from cracked account(dont worry, most tickets will be sold always), then u recive that money on paypal. Then, u have several ways, for me i suggest after recive money just wait 1-2 week, if u dont get chargeback, try to withdraw it somehow :pepo:
  8. we smart :smart: :smart: :smart: :smart: thats why youre god :smart: :smart: :smart: :smart: yes i am :pepo:
  9. especially leeched cryptostorm, Gakiet recommends :pepegun: :pepegun: i dont leech any token for that vpn ! i swear
  10. juras is doing nice music on toilet
  11. :smart: thinking levels beyond us mortals we smart :smart: :smart: :smart: :smart:
  12. juras is doing shit in the forest
  13. I already mention something similar to you...
  14. bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump
  15. Florain mention me, finally, i can die