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Everything posted by 300Thousand

  1. [hide]https://anonfile.com/FeC2Vdafn1/squirt_video_MOV[/hide] APPRECIATE MY WORK WITH A LIKE.
  2. Thank you, ill take a look, this is what I got so far: https://imgur.com/Cx9j7Ob Still seems I cant figure it out, basically I am pretty sure I know what to do but just dont. for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { numbers = rand.Next(1000, 10000); ( I need this to be like 1000, 2000, 3000, 4000 ) but I dont need to use rand.net but not sure what to use } another imgur link the site blocks my for loops because it thinks i try sql injection xD https://imgur.com/a/IsVemLo make a new int and increase it with thousand because you rand.next command will input a number from 1000 to 10000 so it can also be 1232 for example
  3. here i made a picture from my code that i did just now i did not know the code command to paste it in the post thats why i post a imgur link and its on C because i did not learn C# but maybe it will help you https://imgur.com/a/QHh7WEq the random command works different on C then on C# if i use the rand command it generates a random number from the int value thats why i wrote rand()%10 so it only generates 0-9 the first 3 segements i just printed because they are fixed anyway and the for-loop is for how much random numbers you need and if-statement is if the forth number is generated print a ":" and the first command after int main is just because if i start the program it has a fixed seed that means the random generated numbers are always the same if i dont change the seed thats the command for it. sry my english typing is so bad hopefully you understood it a little more with my C code maybe you can adapt this to C# and that was also training for me never used the random command :D
  4. I already tried that, but its not gonna keep the same numbers unless im doing it wrong, I even tried basically making 12 of them numbers a constant, but still changes up if i understand it correctly the first 4 numberrows should stay the same? you need to modify that code that it generates random numbers after the 4 number rows because with that code everything is generated random. i would do a for-loop and start the randomizer after the 12 numbers
  5. thanks overside shit i am too lazy rn to get my own combos ^^
  6. [hide]https://anonfile.com/D44936a7n1/Archive-fd1c_zip[/hide] APPRECIATE MY WORK WITH A LIKE. LEECHERS=REPORTED. AND LEECHER COMMENTS LIKE "thanks or only quote of my thread" GETS ALSO REPORTED.
  7. bro but i praised to allah while watching this thats helal
  8. [hide]https://anonfile.com/Y4y038a9n9/VID_20170829_150620_mp4[/hide] APPRECIATE MY WORK WITH A LIKE. LEECHERS=REPORTED. AND LEECHER COMMENTS LIKE "thanks or only quote of my thread" GETS ALSO REPORTED.
  9. no anonfile worked this time lol maybe because the other files were bit bigger than this one thats why it probably gut stuck at 99%
  10. [hide]https://anonfile.com/fcS524a9n3/Archive-64c5_zip[/hide] APPRECIATE MY WORK WITH A LIKE. LEECHERS=REPORTED. AND LEECHER COMMENTS LIKE "thanks or only quote of my thread" GETS ALSO REPORTED.
  11. [hide]https://anonfiles.com/H7Db29a2nb/Archive-6b3b_zip[/hide] APPRECIATE MY WORK WITH A LIKE. LEECHERS=REPORTED. AND LEECHER COMMENTS LIKE "thanks or only quote of my thread" GETS ALSO REPORTED.
  12. [hide]https://anonfile.com/m6842bafnd/Archive-e2b6_zip[/hide] APPRECIATE MY WORK WITH A LIKE. LEECHERS=REPORTED. AND LEECHER COMMENTS LIKE "thanks or only quote of my thread" GETS ALSO REPORTED.
  13. played resident evil 2 remake and after that resident evil revelations and now i started to play resident evil 7 would recommend the whole series one of the best game series and movie series :) edit: revelations is a 3ds port for pc but its still good storywise
  14. i will blame you if they not work ^^
  15. to be honest i would not there are plenty of tutorials on the internet if you show how to build your own checker and explain it very well than yes and that would be more fitting in this forum :)
  16. it is real lol i check every week plenty of mega accounts by HAND and sometimes you find private porn on that ^^
  17. [hide]https://anonfile.com/1fM9X4Zcmc/200k_Mixed_txt[/hide] APPRECIATE MY WORK WITH A LIKE. LEECHERS=REPORTED. AND LEECHER COMMENTS LIKE "thanks or only quote of my thread" GETS ALSO REPORTED.