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Everything posted by wadufak

  1. thx brotinerg i needed it
  2. nice shit man i needed it
  3. Profile link:https://cracked.to/member.php?action=profile&uid=24768 Ban date:i dont know exactly but it should be around 30/10 and 2/11 Reason of the ban:Leaching Who banned you: idk never saw any name it just says Your forum account is currently banned. Ban Reason: Leeching - please read this: https://cracked.to/misc.php?action=help&hid=11 Ban will be lifted: Never If you feel like this ban was unjustified, create a new account and create a Ban Appeal. Did you read the forum rules after being banned:(Yes/No) yes i just did this Why do you think that you should be unbanned: I think i need to be unbanned because i didnt realy understand the rules the firs ttime i came in to theforums on my acc ozum 123 i didnt even understand. I even turned on google translate so i could understand a little more i than thought i wouldt break the rules cuz i realy wanted to get to know the community so i went around looking at server threads and coombos with no idea what to do. When i started to understand i started to get into it more and keep in mind i didnt think about some thing i didnt even understand wich was at that time the "leaching thing" month or 2-3 pass by and i see iam banned while writing this i go back and read the rules on another acc i find out i wasnt suposed to use content with giving any back i feel like thats what it meant any wasy i asked my sister to tell me whatf it meant to understand it a little more after knowing that ive been leaching for 2-3 months i jsut wanna apoligise and tell u guys i am srry i dodnt mean to "leach". another thing i want to point out is in the rules it says When leechers are identified they will first be issued with a warning, this is generally 50%. This usually happens within a users first 10-15 posts, if said user continues to leech they will be given a temporary ban of 5 days. This is not a static punishment, there are different types of leeching. If a spammer leecher is found they are banned permanently without any warning / notifications. lets look at the part where it says "If a spammer leecher is found they are banned permanently " i wasnt a spammer leacher so im guesing i was a normal leacher wich kinda makes me thing about my never expiring ban if i wasnt a apammer leacher wich always gets a perm ban for spamming i feel like i should have gotten a "ban of 5 days. " The warning thing i dont understand the warning u guys tell me iam warned because i have less than 15 posts after 15 my waring goes away and comes back i thought it came back because id didn't have any threads. and at this time i wasnt think about any kind of leachign think wich keep in mind i didn't understand at the time This is also the first forum ive ever been a part of so clearly this is a lesson i learned from i also started to like the community and started to go into it more kinda leaving the leacher thing behind i feel like if u guys know how it was from my perspective u guys would understand i didnt realy have anything to do here other than to get banned since u realy didnt understand anything i came here like a noob and the only lesson i learned was not to be a leacher i just wanna ask if u guys could give me another chance and let me be a part of this beautifull comunity again i would realy appriciate it once again iam reay sorry for the troubles ive caused and it will not happen again Additional information:I dont have anything to add i just wanna tell u guys if i dont get unbanned at least give me a nice msg of why iam not just so this isnt a waste of my time With apriciation i wanna say it might feel like the leaching thing is obvious for u guys. But trust me it was realy confusing at the time for me im realy sorry once again