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Everything posted by qlf948

  1. :monkas: this is amazing thank you so much i've been looking for one for soo long
  2. U w0t m8? Come again im too far deep to understand :fiesta:
  3. mucch thancc for the guide my friend ill be sure to post some results as soon as i get my open bullet working
  4. :fiesta: :fiesta: just installed openbullet so this really helps! thanks man :fiesta: :fiesta:
  5. Thanks! I've been looking for a way to crack those damn netflix accoutns but it never works for me
  6. thanks man but i dont know what use paysafecard would be?
  7. :fiesta: :fiesta: :fiesta: THANKS a LOT man i've been looking to learn how to dox for a while now :smart:
  8. thansk man! what is the trasher supposed to do thought? Is it to generate accounts or to check them? proxy or proxyless? :fiesta:
  9. thanks man ive been searching for scene config for a while
  10. thanks for the config! Do you have any mcdo CA config? and is netflix proxyless? :fiesta: :fiesta: :fiesta:
  11. :fiesta: :fiesta: :fiesta: muccho thancco amigo i put on my sombrero :fiesta: :fiesta: :fiesta:
  12. :fiesta: :fiesta: thanks man :fiesta: :fiesta: :fiesta:
  13. :fiesta: :fiesta: :fiesta: muccho thancco for the programmo :fiesta: :fiesta: :fiesta:
  14. is netflix all regions or is it locked to US/CA/UK?
  15. thanks! Is it proxyless or will i need a proxylist for this to work?
  16. does this program work without proxies? I have seen many proxyless checkers but im not sure if they work because i got no hits
  17. thanks for the checker! Does it work with canada?
  18. Think this is still working? Ive been using a bad checker i think because none shows up valid