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Everything posted by Code76

  1. Yikes, tbh since it's from you mesvak then it's probably fucking sick in a good way not really i just need proxies thanks BRUH sound affect 7, ALL of the proxies are banned in netflix, fortnite and minecraft
  2. Please note: I no shape or form wrote this, I found this on another forum and thought of sharing it for educational purposes, If this was posted here before, then I'm sorry. Like the thread for more SE tips and tricks, and so I get motivation to edit this thread to add more SE tips that I find. [hide] *A plastic coffee stir stick can fool any push in coin acceptor that loads the coins on edge. Just insert stir stick, push the mechanism forward until you feel the stick hit a bump, push the bump down with the stick and push the mech all the way in *If you look like you know what you’re doing, no one will bother you. When lying, always include something slightly embarrassing, or something that makes you look bad, as part of your story. It’s not only going to disarm their skepticism (admitting to something embarrassing gives an impression of humility), but even if they remain skeptical, they’ll be left wondering why you would make something up that you’d rather keep secret if it were true Using Clorox or any bleach will turn the red/pink liquid detection dot on electronic devices back to white so they replace them under warranty * “A drug dealer in DC taught me to pick my nose if the police are staring at me. No one picks their nose if they think someone is watching them, so it’s the ultimate way of being nonchalant.” * "I learned that you can get into almost any special event by wearing a chef coat. Even just carrying one and walking like you know where you’re going will work every time. Most people don’t want to look stupid by asking you who you are.“ My go to missing work call was never "I’m sick”, it was “Family problems”. They never questioned it, it’s vague enough and embarrassing enough that nobody ever asks.“ As part of the employee training at Target, they teach you that if a customer argues over a price, and the full price is under $20, to just give it to them for whatever price they claim. It’s cheaper for the company to move on to the next customer than to call in a price check. Put a rolled up sock in the change slot on a vending machine, come back back 4 days later….and pull sock….you will be 6-ish dollars richer. If it’s a small lie, like who farted or who put the empty milk carton in the fridge, I’ll tell a terrible lie. I’ll not be able to hold a straight face, contradict myself, basically suck at lying.Now everyone I know thinks I can’t tell a lie to save my life. So when I really need a big lie, I nail it every time. No one ever suspects me when I lie straight faced. Bring crutches to an airport. Bypass every line (including boarding) and you are chauffeured to your gate the second you pass through security. *Make up a secret to share with someone- they may open up and share far more valuable real secrets. Here’s a classic. Drive over to your 7/11 of choice. Fill up a Slurpee and drop some candy bars in that bitch. Make sure the candy bars aren’t showing. Cover the Slurpee and pay for it. Free Snickers bitch. I tell everyone I’ve never done any drugs. Suddenly everyone offers me cocaine, ecstasy, pot, lsd. I think i’ve had $200 worth of drugs each weekend for free.Same with liquor. "Im not drinking tonight” BOOM! Everyone gives me booze. Its like everyone wants to break your integrity as soon as you tell them you are not doing whatever they are doing. *If you need to cash from an ATM and its not a large amount, buy a 5 cent piece of gum from a gas station that has the cash back option. Its cheaper than a $3 charge Act less intelligent than you really are. Acting stupid can get you out of some tricky situations. Feigning ignorance is way better than admitting you knew better but did it anyway. My old man used to say ‘It is easier to beg forgiveness than ask for permission’…sometimes it’s true. Every time I fly, when I land I’ll pen a little complaint to the airline that flew me. You know, I’ll come up with something like “oh, they denied me a drink! Oh, the food wasn’t vegetarian!” Whatever miscellaneous hogwash potpourri comes to my crazy brain. And like clockwork, within a business day, they’re reimbursing me with a $50 voucher, a $100 voucher, I can sell that on the secondary market. I’ve always had a lot of success in shutting nosy people up by blaming any personal issue on allergies. Crying from a panic attack? Allergies giving me puffy eyes. What’s that mysterious pill I’m taking? Allergy meds. Why am I acting spaced out/hungover/tired? Allergies meds making me drowsy. *If you really wanna get away with some shit, buy a reflective vest, a white hard hat, and a clipboard. You can go ANYWHERE. [/hide]
  3. So hey guys, someone I know (dohack) has been doing this method for 6 months and he managed to earn 7500$ ! And you can make more if you are smarter in this [hide]1. Sign up for an account on Ficaz. It's a reseller panel for likes, followers, comments, shares, views, etc. They're going to verify your account instantly. 2. Go to the 'services' tab and check out the services you can offer. There are like 800 services you can offer. Possibilities are endless. 3. Go to Facebook and join hundreds of groups where you can sell these social media marketing services. When they accept you, create a new post advertising SMM services for a profit. For example, if you want to sell Instagram likes, you would type something along the lines of "Hey guys, I just started working in social media marketing and for my first 100 customers, I'm going to be selling Instagram likes and followers for $5/1,000. PM me for more info." You can do this with views, YouTube subscribers, Twitch subscribers, etc. The possibilities are endless. Be creative. 4. Go to eBay, craigslist and any other classified ads site there is in your country and create listings for SMM services for a big profit. 5. Once you get a sale, head to Ficaz, add funds to your account and buy the service with the cheapest price for your customer. TIP: Prices in Ficaz are SUPER cheap, you can sell these services for 1,500% profit and more. TIP2: Buying likes, views, subscribers, etc is very addicting, so once you get a client, you can milk him a ton. Facebook groups I suggest using: , and https://www.facebook...kers/?ref=br_rs I suggest selling Instagram followers for 3$ /1000 cuz that's how I managed to earn 150$ and pay my rent, now I am at no risk of being homeless, very cool [/hide] Like the thread for more Facebook groups (Will update the thread once I get more and for my support in PM! Like to show your appreciation, leechers will be instantly reported and banana'd
  4. I saw, I came and shidded and farted and peed in my pants, I saw (sorry only came to post tihs)
  5. Why did this happen to me tho?
  6. Minute ago, It was all green and literally at 1%. I reply to a meme thread in leaks section and It instantly goes to 100%? I know I am not leeching and trying to be cool as possible when I am trying to access a method
  7. I only replied here to say, then why the fuck are u interested in this method
  8. So I could fix it myself, what's hard to understand. I asked him if he'd be able to make the config for me, i never mentioned paying for it neither did he mention me having to pay for it, hence why i provided him an account. justice served empty water bottle trashbag
  9. Start a "new" conversation my ass More like encourage more idiots to shit spam in shoutbox lol
  10. Hope I am not too late man, Need it rn kappa
  11. Can be really handy for a betafag who speaks most of his time on reddit thanks op
  12. @Activate is that him or someone else
  13. No No but in bold so I exceed the minimum character limit
  14. Holy shit yes, hit me in time for my daily depression Got only one and changed password, but if really needed I'll give the password to it back, but DM me if u want. i took the artmaverick one! thanks op, liked
  15. Maybe if your retarded ass bothered to do some research before opening that shitthole of yours? The site was made in 2009, before you were even born It's literally ads free, and it only accepts donations from generous people and most of donations go to saveOrphans charity, rest goes to hosting the website but I assume just from your username, you are a retarded 13 y/o trying to lose some leecher point by shit talking some random people, but nah mate reported your bitch ass, enjoy your ban
  16. Code76


    ok buddy, retard