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Everything posted by SSJ

  1. Bring home button back we all keep clicking search
  2. Mmiinneeccrraafftt iiss ggaayy iiff yyoouu ggoott vviirruuss iitts aa mmeessaaggee lmao but forreal thanks for this info
  3. I split the combo up to 10k so yuh Leave a Like! [hide][/hide]
  4. Vouch Copy: Support: 10/10 He responded very quickly and helped me out! Quality: 6/10 I generated about 200 tokens and got 0 hits, however if I generate more I believe I will be able to get a hit. Although it would be nice to add more tokens to start with to generate such as "Nt". Price: 8/10 I believe it is decently priced, though I would sell it for a dollar or two cheaper. Overall: 7/10 The program has a nice design, very simple, not complex, its efficient however it appears it would take a while to get a hit on this! I believe it has tons of potential. Comment: Thank you for giving me this vouch copy! I believe this isn't your only project so I understand!! Good luck in the future.
  5. Leave A Like <3 [hide][/hide]
  6. 2 black male slaves, I believe they are nigerian, so yes I have animals!! I also have two dogs
  7. 15k in bitcoin s0 i kn0w u a1nt sc4mmINg
  8. You should already be banned xdd "" "Hello! Iv'e packed all of my gift card generators into a ZIP" you are the biggest skid <3
  9. what a clever fuck no refunds. :pepo: oPeNInG sCaM rEPoRT oN yoU
  10. 2314719283213218321389213 $ in paypal can't gurantee no chargeback :kek: who cares :kek:
  11. do u want a program that reminds u ur autistic?? well this is it! selling rights for 500000 bitcoin [hide][/hide] or if u dont want to reply just g0 here
  12. Big fffffffffffffffffffffff
  13. Checking this out since ur a cracking god
  14. Leave a like! [hide][/hide]