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  1. thx mate for the tuts
  2. unclear what this thread is about.
  3. great. i know there are fixes from 2.1.6 ---EDIT---- does not work.. launcher doesnt do anything when launched
  4. right click on capthca and copy the url or check source to see captcha link
  5. i have this response code when i have a valid combo Response Source: login=ok&secret=e3dbdaaed39f384a960da4bd55d0 how can i phrase it? i can use in left string secret= but i dont know what should i use on right string as the source ends at right after the data i want to capture
  6. i have this response code when i have a valid combo Response Source: login=ok&secret=e3dbdaaed39f384a960da4bd55d0 how can i phrase it? i can use in left string secret= but i dont know what should i use on right string as the source ends at right after the data i want to capture
  7. thanks for sharing this method
  8. thanks mate for this app.. i was a sentry die hard user, now i see so many new apps coming up.. i hope its more advance than sentry
  9. long time sentry user, this app should be fun, thanks uplaoder