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Everything posted by Ghost131

  1. The fuck is this. Curious but dont really want to download but still kinda do
  2. Interesting, Ill check this thing out. Thanks
  3. Nice, tor links are kinda unstable. Doubt all 5000 will work but still probably useful
  4. Thanks, Hope the links still up though
  5. Hopefully the links still up for this thing. Sounds pretty nice It dosent :pepe:
  6. Mine was a joke, you prolly didnt get that Yeah, I dont get it :fuck:
  7. This is probably serious. And thats the weird thing
  8. Ghost131

    new on darkweb.

    Theres nothing on the darkweb but cp and scams.
  9. This is odd, never heard of anything that offers money to walk. EDIT: Looked at some reviews of this thing. Youre only limited to a small amount of "coins" a day unless you buy a subscription which may be where they get this money from which might be a problem since most of the things you can get cost a large amount of coins and the ones that dont apparently sell out fast. Apparently a large amount of the rewards arent free and are just discounted.Some people are saying theres a problem with the gps and the step counting. This is an interesting idea but I probably wont try this out myself.