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Everything posted by StreamerTool

  1. Website is up and running lads! New update is out lads! Reserve your copy today.
  2. Feel free to buy and get our discord ;) I have too many people on discord sorry.
  3. You never reply to the support on site, this is pizdec Kappa Been sleeping, feel free to try now ; )
  4. Won't happen. Captchas will never be free just like in any other program. Twitch won't have your IP.
  5. You create your own accounts, get your own proxies, and bot whatever you want, whenever you want. No limits. Followers are your own accounts so no, they are not disappearing.
  6. 130 customers are not lying! Get your copy today. BUMP BEST BOT IN THE MARKTE <3!
  7. Both Download java run time. Nope. New update allows you to use your own accounts for chat botting ! acc creator improved, 2x faster. Rotating proxies support for view bot! And much more.