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Everything posted by StreamerTool

  1. Check the vouches buddy. we have more then 200 customers. I will try to dig between the daily bumps.. Anyways, since on the title said: "Prime crack" that means it creates prime accounts? Also, on the account creation, do i need to have my own email for being able to verify or the account creator do everything? and final question, what's the name of the song..? hahah tbh I don't remember hte name of the song, something russain. Prime crack is cracker not creator. Account creator has everything included, you just load proxies ;)
  2. Check the vouches buddy. we have more then 200 customers. Whoever charge back 2x 40$, you should of atleast joined the discord before doing so. Whatever you are now blacklisted.
  3. Thanks for the vouch buddy, appreciated Paypal was limited because someone decided to report it, I am try and get a new stealth set up, till then bitcoin only, sorry lads.