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Everything posted by Ethan

  1. oof this looks epic. would love screenshots
  2. Ethan


    Thanks. But why did it get banned? Positive other cracking forums still have a discord up Not sure, Discord seems to pick an choose when to ban. :pepe:
  3. Ethan


    Discord got beaned sir they gave up on making new ones
  4. Ethan


    welcome to the forum.
  5. Ethan

    Hello guys

    Welcome to the forum. Don't leech :(
  6. United Kingdom has the best water :)
  7. i dismissed the notice i got for a message i got in my inbox and it didn't redirect me back to the site. Instead it sent me to a blank page which tells me no return function is used. Just a little fix but i'm posting so staff are aware
  8. I just copied and pasted the Auth floraiN gave me and fixed it. I'll know for next to to obfuscate it though.
  9. Man the tool isn't even obfuscated / packed and you cracked it? Are ya kiddding me duh. @Ethan next time at least use ConfuserEX or any packer to prevent this kids. I'm a total noob mate, but regardless isn't C# super easy to crack? Like Python level easy? haha
  10. Hey so i made my first cracker and it uses the auth and all of that Wouldn't mind having an award for it hahaha <3
  11. First Checker Enjoy :)) Instructions Extract Pop some combos in combos.txt run .exe profit! Screenshot ( CTO Auth ( This doesn't use any proxies - may add in the future. [hide] [/hide] Like if you used it :))) :fiesta: