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Everything posted by Rhorho

  1. Looking forward to liking this after I see it.
  2. Going to make sure this works and then I'll leave a like.
  3. This is truly rare, Awesome.
  4. Always helping the community by sharing the best stuff
  5. Time change is the one true god. For the night is dark and full of terrors.
  6. You are a true hero if this is for reals
  7. Im seeing a lot of repeat stuff but here's hoping it's new and good
  8. Wondering if this will be as great as the pages indicate
  9. What makes you so sure I'll love this? EDIT: You were right, I Love this
  10. Award for most creative title goes to...
  11. I wonder what we'll find in this
  12. Rhorho

    Whats up yall

    Okay start off with picking the meat and salsa, and dont forget the tortillas lol Oooo weee, you got me feeling some kind of way.
  13. Rhorho

    Whats up yall

    I like Tacos can you teach me your best taco combo?