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Everything posted by AZATEJ
bumperino out
email pass NEW DB DUMPED more than 3GB COMBOS 2019 SUPER SHITS BTC,GAMES,....
AZATEJ replied to mesvak's topic in Combolists
Thats Octopus black content, and you got no rights to take credits for it. -
If you need a good database merged with shops, corporate and other sites then you here! Break sites completely different profile, often breaking the base on the bad site you get because of the curves of admin rights, access to many databases on the server at once. It is also used for pentesting of piarist sites with good alex for drain traf. Automated quick dumper with SQLi injection at the moment it merges vulnerabilities in MYSQL (PHP) much faster than any analog! under the MSSQL sink (asp, cfm) you can use sqlmap it is built into the software. THIS IS NOT A BABLO BUTTON, although of course, it looks somewhat similar. With brains, you can use this tool well. The system is a set of scripts for pentesting databases through SQL vulnerabilities on the sites on MySQL and mssql, namely their own developments, and not any automation. Most of them are self-written sites of any profile. The build does not check Joomla wp dle and forums. With rare exceptions. Since they are supported by a large community of people and sqli there are few. Such things are broken through vulnerabilities in plug-ins and brutom adminok (brutter available). Presents from itself the central part and the executable part of the active, which is located on the shell. There are no malicious codes on the shells themselves, so the file lies for a long time, accepting the executable code via a POST request. In general, the principle of this, through SQL injection connect to the sites with the right url looking for the table and merge the soap pass and soap. The system is fully automated, the massive analogue of havij with the link parser has pumped from Google and go to the assembly sui. At the exit, there will be soap and soaps. Also shows (but does not merge) the database where there is ss and ssn + dob. The network has a sufficient number of scripts that can break through sqli. What are the differences from analogs. Allows you to save time by automating all that is possible, your task is only to competently prepare the links that need to be slipped into the assembly for cracking. Reveals sites at the level of sqlmap and havij using multiple search options, including blind sqli, and not the most primitive detection options by mistake on the page with a quotation mark. Further, the search and discharge of soap pass are as automated as possible where possible. Even in contrast to havij and sqlmap, it is not just automated drainage, but at the maximum possible speed through group concat, and not by limits like most. And not just through the group concat, but one table is divided into 6 parts and merged all at the same time, for greater speed, so that the injection is not closed. ECONOMY OF TIME - this is the main plus. Of course, not all options are perfect if you see that the assembly has found a cool website and for some reason, it does not swing, but you can manually go through havij and sqlmap and select the tables for the jump you need. In any case, this is much better than manually sorting through vulnerable links. autobuy - only BTC. https://shoppy.gg/product/ow8vAZ1 https://discordapp.com/invite/eBYZ8ZK For technical issues and questions contact Neura#8902 - not me, im not that well informed as he is. He's also person which deliver you server logins. We do not offer basic step by step, you need a little bit of knowledge to properly run that environment. if you got a question ask on discord channel. Yes its same version as on BHF/exploit.in which you would need to pay 300$/month. Infinity black in huge part is filled with Sib service 6.0 dumps
We had a huge struggle within the last two weeks with that software, as I said earlier I don't refund in case of it become patched, its a risk you take on your back. Doesn't change a fact it become patched that fast (thanks to the dickface which reported sniffed API) and I had plans to refund payments. I can guarantee compared to free version this one is way faster with trash random public proxies, it's not HIBP API anymore. Whole income is shared between devs like before. If this version will get heavily slowed, or patched I promise to host my own DB bigger than HIBP and weleakinfo. How it works with public proxies from uproxy - 100 threads Proxyless version will be back, but semiproxy mode - we will inbuild our serverside proxy scrapper. Price went down, don't ask for price refunds if you are the previous buyer - respect rules of a market. Price is 20$, autobuy link Thanks to POP for idea of API, Geniush and Gakkiet for excellent coding, and @ObbedCode for obfuscation. GUI is remaked by me source of Keca antipublic, so he takes credits for it.
Besides obvious examples like antipublic software which I consider as not a fair idea against seller, some public outputs can be useful more than private, also its really easy to fake output with invisible symbols or unique fake emails. Same as rigged combos with public hits to avoid getting accused of total trash. How I check combos?[hide] 1st. On mega.co.nz with files directory output. I check data of uploads, if there's a year pattern like 2014-2015 its probably useless kind of a combo. Also mega.NZ hitratio on new fresh combos or rat dumps goes up to 5%, so its a lot. If there's a lack of mega accounts probably base is shit. For specific kind of test, you can scrape or manual check IP logins amount, since when and etc. If you will pick 10 accounts you'll find a pattern in most used combos/resold ect. Amount of premium accounts is important, if theres a lot it means its really good quality DB. that is good quality of combos, and its @then3r0x combo 2nd way is weleakinfo. That way is really powerful against public combos. You check random emails and get easy to check what kind of origin of a leak it has. If there's a specific pattern for DB it's 90% pasted part of some older DB and packed into some "private" box without guaranteed hits. 3rd. Mail access - the most valuable combo. Even if its public and raped it still has value if you are smart enough to find your unique ideas/target. But what it matters is how old mail, and when they started to recover passwords, if there's info about password recovery in a mass that proves date of origin leak and if its already raped. If you'll do that test with 10 different mails of public combo, you'll easily find out which db part it was so it proves my point. Each of these methods is time taking, but with that value of proofs, you can rate combo. [/hide] MYRZ antipublic is a meme, no thx. How should look a vouch of someone else combo?
bump bumpem
MYRZ is a meme, totally different kind of a thing.
Link to buy https://cracked.to/Thread-INFINITY-BLACK-COMBO-ANTIPUBLIC-CHECKER-GUI-UPDATES more about features, its same kind of tool but proxyless, and those require high quality proxies. Idea of a target made by @POP, coded by @Gakiet and @Geniush, obfuscated by @ObbedCode - whole income got shared between that group.
[hide]https://labs.vmware.com/flings/vmware-os-optimization-tool[/hide] Download - pick a proper theme config for your environment, you can try with configs, but beware about getting rid of features which you actually use. I don't recommend installing any updates on windows2016 - they are full of useless optimizations and features mostly for windows app market. Its different on personal PC where I suggest updating your OS. I used to tweak and try to get lowest possible latency in my gaming PC back in a day, I had like lowest latencynom scores on entire overclocking board, and got rid of unneeded drivers, IRQ bugs, basically, I got interested into that part of knowledge and ended up here as cracker. I still lack a lot of basics in term of IT, but about boosting my own pc to the hills im good. I used to tweak my 144hz benq to some rates around 190hz. You can test your router with puma6 http://www.dslreports.com/tools/puma6 - more green means better, on my home inet I have whole pool green as grass. Unpark your CPU, set it to highest performance. To get rid of IRQ latency use latencynom, you can play around with drivers 1 by 1. Its really time taking and some parts of hardware are just default broken, especially some mobos. Dont use iObit and any similar performance tweakers, especially for TCP and inet optimization, they wont work anyway. MTU fix is a myth, 90% of tweaks in UEFI/BIOS is zero impact tips. Use github pack with regedit tweaks, use them carefully to disable cortana - its alternative of vmware tool listed at the top. For downloading drivers forgot about driver booster and similar tools, use SDI tool - download dedicated for your own PC drivers, its free, never had a problem with their DB. [hide]http://sdi-tool.org/releases/SDI_R1811.zip[/hide] [hide]https://resplendence.com/latencymon[/hide] - its advanced in use, I recommend reading a lot around that topic area before getting any use of it. [hide]https://resplendence.com/whysoslow[/hide] - simple tool to detect health of PC. [hide]https://ninite.com/[/hide] - to download all basic software after formatting PC in 1 pack. [hide]https://www.userbenchmark.com/resources/download/UserBenchMark.exe[/hide] - benchmarkpc to get that kind of score https://fbi.watch/snog.jpg [hide]https://www.reddit.com/r/TronScript/[/hide] - most useful kind of a script ever made, basically you'll heavily clean your PC without actually taking a risk of losing data. Alternative for formatting storage. Yeah, its all mess, but I wrote it in a 15mins.
Anonfile is total shit.
is it Often updated, and access to combos other than gaming like streaming etc, and do a ton of others have access? Check download amount, its reliable source of accessibility, its often updated.
[hide]https://mega.nz/#F!ZMMxHa5R!lhm14JZqAMmSQZCq8DU0CQ https://mega.nz/#F!xRExGKgK!tI21rKXwOPgA4twi9WawCg https://mega.nz/#F!NZUBVC5K!OZOOBhB2L_jbNdiJUgfG9A https://mega.nz/#F!FMURAKiJ!75QvY7w18wA2PcVZArMn4A https://mega.nz/#F!URUj1YrA!wWvg4F66Zr7iZ0uhzE07fQ https://mega.nz/#F!QBFlnAbL!wnujkuzFtZJJzfZGqElNGw https://mega.nz/#F!RAVDwQxK!kKRSYMjs9BrUEXDu-DBpFA[/hide] Safely reuploaded on pro account, should be taken down any soon. I leaked whole of it because seller shared my infinity black combos in that storage. Hes banned here so im just sorry for customers, but this data is kinda useless for targeted cracking, just a huge shittery for dumb cracking.