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Everything posted by AZATEJ

  1. Will ask you if still if he gonna get take a revange for it and will start a ddos of mine (in the end yours) server :D
  2. important links: Even cyka sabaky shit on this code, idk I barely understand it, I'm a fucking skid, sorry. Code: 127.0 .0.1 - - [ 22 / Jul / 2018 13 : 18 : 11 ] code 501 , message Unsupported method ( 'POST' ) 127.0 .0.1 - - [ 22 / Jul / 2018 13 : 18 : 11 ] "POST / api / gate.get? p1 = 0 & p2 = 0 & p3 = 0 & p4 = 0 & p5 = 0 & p6 = 0 & p7 = 0 HTTP / 1.1 " 501 - 127.0 .0.1 - - [ 22 / Jul / 2018 13 : 18 : 11 ] code 501 , message Unsupported method ( ' POST ' ) - - [ 22 / Jul / 2018 13 : 18 : 11 ] "POST /api/gate.get?p1=0&p2=0&p3=0&p4=0&p5=0&p6=0&p7=0 HTTP / 1.1" 501 - 127.0 .0.1 - - [ 22 / Jul / 2018 13 : 18 : 11 ] code 501 , message Unsupported method ( 'POST' ) 127.0 .0.1 - - [ 22 / Jul / 2018 13 : 18 : 11 ] "POST /api/gate.get? p1 = 0 & p2 = 0 & p3 = 0 & p4 = 0 & p5 = 0 & p6 = 0 & p7 = 0 HTTP / 1.1 " 501 - - - [ 22 / Jul / 2018 13 : 18 : 11 ] code 501 , message Unsupported method ( 'POST' ) 127.0 .0.1 - - [ 22 / Jul / 2018 13 : 18 : 11 ] "POST / api / gate .get p1 = 0 & p2 = 0 & p3 = 0 & p4 = 0 & p5 = 0 & p6 = 0 & p7 = 0 HTTP / 1.1 "? 501 - 127.0 .0.1 - - [ 22 / Jul / 2018 13 : 18 : 11 ] code 501 , message Unsupported method ( 'POST ' ) - - [ 22 / Jul / 2018 13 : 18 : 11 ] "POST /api/gate.get?p1=0&p2=0&p3=0&p4=0&p5=0&p6=0&p7=0 HTTP / 1.1" 501 - 127.0 .0.1 - - [ 22 / Jul / 2018 13 : 18 : 11 ] code 501 , message Unsupported method ( 'POST' ) 127.0 .0.1 - - [ 22 / Jul / 2018 13 : 18 : 11 ] "POST /api/gate.get? p1 = 0 & p2 = 0 & p3 = 0 & p4 = 0 & p5 = 0 & p6 = 0 & p7 = 0 HTTP / 1.1 " 501 - - - [ 22 / Jul / 2018 13 : 18 : 11 ] code 501 , message Unsupported method ( 'POST' ) 127.0 .0.1 - - [ 22 / Jul / 2018 13 : 18 : 11 ] "POST / api / gate .get p1 = 0 & p2 = 0 & p3 = 0 & p4 = 0 & p5 = 0 & p6 = 0 & p7 = 0 HTTP / 1.1 "? 501 - 127.0 .0.1 - - [ 22 / Jul / 2018 13 : 18 : 11 ] code 501 , message Unsupported method ( 'POST ' ) - - [ 22 / Jul / 2018 13 : 18 : 11 ] "POST /api/gate.get?p1=0&p2=0&p3=0&p4=0&p5=0&p6=0&p7=0 HTTP / 1.1" 501 - 127.0 .0.1 - - [ 22 / Jul / 2018 13 : 18 : 11 ] code 501 , message Unsupported method ( 'POST' ) 127.0 .0.1 - - [ 22 / Jul / 2018 13 : 18 : 11 ] "POST /api/gate.get? p1 = 0 & p2 = 0 & p3 = 0 & p4 = 0 & p5 = 0 & p6 = 0 & p7 = 0 HTTP / 1.1 " 501 - - - [ 22 / Jul / 2018 13 : 18 : 11 ] code 501 , message Unsupported method ( 'POST' ) 127.0 .0.1 - - [ 22 / Jul / 2018 13 : 18 : 11 ] "POST / api / gate .get? p1 = 0 & p2 = 0 & p3 = 0 & p4 = 0 & p5 = 0 & p6 = 0 & p7 = 0 HTTP / 1.1 " 501 - 127.0 .0.1 - - [ 22 / Jul / 2018 13 : 18 : 11 ] code 501 , message Unsupported method ( 'POST ' ) Its a victim was the bad guy. After its launch on the victim's computer, collect all the data and transfer it to the server. Admin panel, it's the server part - a remote machine, which will come logs style. Logs come from client machines and are stored on the server until the owner of the method chooses to enter the server. The owner enters a valid login/password and is available to download/delete logs from different client machines. In general, the admin panel and the server part are separate entities. On the server, there is a panel that allows you to perform authorization and editing. But in general, it may not be. Logs - are a zip-archive with information about passwords, cookies, e-wallets, general information about the victim system and a screenshot of the desktop of the infected machine. Well, I had to break the public law and deface some of his data. Of course in a good will, since I barely know what I'm doing. Shiet.[/img] Well, that's what Yuri likes, well I personally like it too, but WELL I DONT FUCKING SHIT AGAINST OTHER SHITTERS, wtf is your peanut brain flying to?[/img] Home of our friend. He is sleeping now I think, its deep down nap. - but i knocked doors several times - call me Yuri, thanks. Yuri defaced. Guys, I want to elaborate some part, doxing is not cool, as long as you do this for lulz, without some possible purpose its lame as fuck, and I found doing it as another kid move in playing against others. The only reason to use this kind of gay plays is.. this example. To show other shitters that they as everyone leave some footsteps, and collecting those footsteps results in a privacy breach, and in this guy example - he made a mistake several years ago, and it's not smth I can avoid, you can prevent, and anyone can prevent. Its just all matter of how the fucking deep someone is going to get his motivated ass to get your shit. Doxing for the request, doxing for lulz, doxing anyone without purpose is also good reason to ban, inb4 ban yourself faggot. Well, fact.[/img][/img][/img] [align=center] [/align] Its location which fits 1:1 location of this profile - and now why out of nowhere I picked this profile, and not some random cyka? Remember that I can also be wrong, it's a bit like 9/1 in that case, but its a random Russian from Siberia, I'm not as much as charming personality to care. But well.[/img] He is not a guy on the right, guys. On the right, you can see @Royals leaked photo. ODON3419 is a key in the whole case. Odon is used password within a lot of time over different Russian mailboxes on different providers. But it's not enough to call him out for being that specific guy I know; we need a bit more evidence that THIS SPECIFIC guy knows shit about PC, according to his VK - is not apparent. And there's a part of a chat where you can get logs over this specific guy VK account. I can deliver more, but I found this enough if you want more - cool. But in SOME RARE accident, it has to be his friend which nickname he used as a password, its possible. Well, friends sometimes have to take responsibility for our stupid - well I tricked my morality. Remember, don't spread shit on your bed. Even Mongols as prisoners and shittery as damaged criminals polaks know about this rule. Remember that crackers are broke ass shitters if you want to get good hits - hunt for the big animal, for example, consider developing your wallet and providing it on BTC community. Why not? I won't get mad for being as stupid to get tricked that way; I would admire it - Nah, I would get pissed in real, but who cares. Dont leak it for plebs outside, not because its fucking exlusive, but I dont want to flex around too much, it was about victim care for it, not for your knowledge. I wanted to also show how easy its to take down malware (i dont have any experience, srsly, used few tools + few paid ways) - even if we are potentially infected we can rid of problem, in theory. Most of the time its too late, anyway. :kek:
  3. Nobody says that you get all the valid. You should use any anti-spyware software to just check the private lines in the database and that's it. And then you start this database with a valid mail check. The last time I got about 2.5 million is about 16 thousand valid mails. You just think about it, 16 thousand valid mails that are 100% private. MPD is in the RU segment the mostNobody says that you get all the valid. You should use any anti-spyware software to just check the private lines in the database and that's it. And then you start this database with a valid mail check. The last time I got about 2.5 million is about 16 thousand valid mails. You just think about it, 16 thousand valid mails that are 100% private. MYRZ antipublic is in the RU segment the most Mate, you should stop mephedrone for a while.
  4. Well yeah - the reason why I SHIT ON MYRZ ANTIPUBLIC is exactly what you wrote about. Check same trick with keca ANTIPUBLIC which I use, without making it look retarded - remember it check just emails. You can rigg that way emailaccess - well.. i hope you know why. Thats why MYRZ is a meme. Always been.
  5. Theres no rat, dont worry. You can contact us on discord or check it with
  6. Date of the leak: 2018 Rows of the combolist: 125k Private: tested with keca AP. Has been used on websites before the leak: Yes. [hide][/hide]
  7. I suppose I've got a little experience as I have tried DMT, LSD, and shrooms as psychedelics for now. I liked the experience for the most of them apart from shrooms, but the setting was not quite right when I took them so looking forward to trying them out again, however, this time in a better environment. Bought 10X extract and will do a standard dose (150 mg) As long as you liked it before its still russian roulette but at least with potential, everything is fine as long as dosed with brain and proper people in the background in my opinion. Kinda curious, imo you will be disappointed, only touchable illusions might be smth worth it, I dont like psychodelics that much to try even with people which had a lot of more experience than im. I just prefer random rush, simply everything which is dopamine agonist, but last year like few times had occasion, i got bored even with this :monkas:
  8. Got already experience with psychedelics? I didn't try, was kinda afraid to ever play with psychedelics, was same when i took lsd first time, but I had no problems with u47000 for example, since its not out of reality kind of high. No one I know personally had really good experience with it, mostly like.. never again. Share, sure, as long as you find acid as huge potential it might work, if you dont - then for sure dont try shalvia. also which type?
  9. Date of the leak: 2018-01 Rows of the combolist: 125k Private: - tested with keca AP. Has been used on websites before the leak: Yes. [align=center][hide][/hide] [/align]
  10. 24h, i kinda fuckup up, and cant even blame anyone for own mistakes ive done XD i purged data.
  11. I think award for prevent forum user from malware is good, same as bug hunter and security. Skid hunter help administration with banning leechers. About poggers award, yes, that one is usless. So, tbh all awards that i mention except poggers is worth and no usless Its good idea but also it has to be potentially really hard to obtain - otherwise, for example, we both will get this award and guess who deserve it more and actually can prevent it without a doubt in his knowledge. :smart: too many awards result in that the quality drops, we already got too much, like that credit card or clown shit is smth to remove.
  12. Dont waste time on it, its raped idea, you need to find some innovative one to make cash out of it, atm you waste a lot of effort and time and trust me THERES NOONE in that community which made serious cash on those kind of accounts (spotify, netflix ect) besides discord accounts generators owners. Its simply as stupid as selling sand on sahara.
  13. I can vouch him as buyer, and from what I remember I exchanged some cryptos.
  14. More emeditor tutorials mibba. I should also share my own tricks.
  15. i need to get constantly smses and i dont want to disturb u like every time i log in to the site :pepe: is what I used so far, but its a bit tricky and bugged, I used it with some method I found.. SOMEWHERE, no idea where. I paid like 5 bucks and got almost unlimited amount of sms for all known to a man services, portals, or whatever.
  16. pm on on discord later, will get you number to get sms.
  17. bumper dumper, update inc only
  18. [hide] [/hide] Raidforums source is fake or some part of their data which I checked are not valid, might be really unlucky.
  19. You can do same lookup on my server with my discord bot which has bigger database.
  20. Windows 2016 nowdays fits me best, but everyone say 2012 is way more stable.
  21. No, its HQ polak developer of mythical tools for private use. :pepo: HQ spanish dev you mean :kek: plx no spanishism here :pepegun:
  22. No, its HQ polak developer of mythical tools for private use. :pepo:
  23. The reason why this is here - my taxi guy told me about this site as potentially interesting :kek: