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Everything posted by Seph

  1. Seph

    [US] Starbucks SE

    Giveaway ended, closing the thread.
  2. Giveaway ended, closing the thread.
  3. No. I provide reselling for another provider. 1-day version can be purchased for credits for limited time. :monkas: Isnt resellin for others not allowed on this forum? :smart: On the side note. Thanks for the offer ! :) I've got a part ownership of the provided service I just don't involve myself in coding.
  4. Banned in 3 days for sure :kek:
  5. Seph

    Cracked on Tor

    I guess just .garlic :kek:
  6. Shoutbox bans are non-negotiable. They're final.
  7. No. I provide reselling for another provider. 1-day version can be purchased for credits for limited time.
  8. I'd go to the future poor asf, would work my way up. History sucks, everyone knows about it already.