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-- General Questions --


What is eWhoring? It is a type of social engineering, that you perform the art of sexually manipulating men into giving you money in return for your body. eWhoring is generally used in chat rooms, IM, and social networks. But can find its way anywhere if done correctly.


Why exactly do people eWhore? If someone is experience enough, you can make a shit ton of money from eWhoring, not even joking. People who are very experience and know what they are doing can easily make over $100 in a single night.


Are any skills needed to eWhore? You will need to have some slight manipulation skills, but generally speaking you will only need a method, site of traffic, a picture pack, and as I said manipulation skills.


Could eWhoring become a full time job? If you are very good at it, yes. It is possible to earn thousands weekly. However, becoming a successful eWhore can be dangerous and difficult. This is due to is being somewhat illegal, as well as good to become good at.


What is a VCW? A VCW stands for virtual cam whore, and is usually a video played via Adoble Flash Player.

These have several buttons called "commands" that allow the eWhorer to control the girl by pressing them, as if she was real and on webcam.

In other words, it is a fake girl that seems real on camera in which you control.


-- What are some general prices as well as payment methods? --


Honestly this is all up to you, if done correctly you can get away with charging any price. My recommendation is to charge around $5 for 10 pictures. A simple way of getting away with charging more for your pics, is saying your body is worth more than the other girls if questioned about the price. Guys love this for some reason.


The payment method is honestly up to you, Amazon cards are the safest, but you could also take Paypal and make an alt business account to receive such funds, then transfer it to your main. If you wanted, you can ask for almost any type of payment.


-- How to talk like an eWhore --


Here is a general conversation you could possibly have:

Stranger: Hey, i saw you on the site

You: Yeah x, wanna buy pics and sext after?x

Stranger: How do i know you are real? can i have a sample?

You: Sure x

You: *sample*

Stranger: You look very sexy

You: How much are you spending?x PP 

Stranger: around $20

You: for $20 i can give you 30 nudes and if you buy now i can add a couple more x

Stranger: Okay x

You: send money to

Stranger: money sent huney x

You: *starts giving the nudes or whatever you have promised.





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thank you xxxx

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good tut for beginers

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:fiesta: :fiesta: :fiesta: :fiesta:

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Don't like work but i think it could be fun thankx for your share

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Thank you hope works

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trying ittttt

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