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C# question | Account checker with API.

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Hi everyone,


I am trying to make a account checker for the site:

You can login here:

If you are making a login request, it uses this url to check if the account exists or not:

I made the post data etc, the only thing I want to know how I can check if the account exists or not. Normally I search through the source and see something like: "Invalid"

But it can't with a url that I can't exists. 



I hope someone can give me the mystery answer :)



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I just checked (dont have working account) but what I noticed is that it sents a 404 status code if you use an account that is non existent. I guess if you receive another status code the account is working.

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I just checked (dont have working account) but what I noticed is that it sents a 404 status code if you use an account that is non existent. I guess if you receive another status code the account is working.


I also tried that, statuscode forbidden is false. But when I try that it still said forbidden with a valid account.

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