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Difference between- Socks and HTTPS Proxies?

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I am actually Confused now... even after buying ebook... I understand only simple Language..What is the difference between these two Proxy?


at which Proxies are used for the Following?


Netflix PROXY?

Express VPN PROXY?



Also can you link to sites where I can buy Premium Proxy... I know free sites But I will give premium a try! :pepegun:

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Well what i know is HTTPS is related to security and stuff

and for netflix socks are recommended because they're fast

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HTTP: the HTTP proxy server was originally designed to be used only with HTTP protocol. If you need to open any http:// or https:// like web address HTTP proxy servers are the best solution in 90% cases. There are almost no difference between SOCKS and HTTP proxy servers if they are used for HTTP protocol.


SOCKS4/4a/5: the SOCKS proxy servers are more flexible and do not seize you. While HTTP proxy servers could hide your IP only when you are browsing a web page, SOCKS proxy servers could help you keep your information private even when you are using such programs like ICQ, Skype, MSN or even email clients like Outlook, TheBat, Thhunderbird. SOCKS5 is great for torrents.


According to various crackers online, HTTP tends to work faster, and is the preferred proxy for cracking. Some say that SOCKS will give them more hits over all, just not as quickly.

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