
Why I was banned from

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So if you weren't aware I'm a very old member of Nulled, ex staff from quite a few years ago & have been banned many times for various circumstances. This is the short story about my newest venture, why I was perma banned from Nulled.


So yesterday, 12/06/18 I was perma banned from Nulled because of a 30 second exchange with Finndev. Broly came into the shoutbox and then finn appeared, they seem to time their arrivals to have a short exchange in the shoutbox so broly is noticed. In the past, multiple times moderators have used brolys name to send 1-2 messages in the shoutbox which I found extremely entertaining. Upon them both talking I said:


Royals: FAKE

Royals: @Finndev stop talking to yourself


Which then was followed by this response


Finndev: @Royals are you retarded?

Royals: @Finndev debatable, are you?


Then I was perma banned, this is honestly the full story, I do not believe it was because of my role. this is how one of the oldest active members of Nulled received his final perma ban from the site. I have no interest in returning. I am not the only recent high profile member who has came under fire and received a perma ban from Finn. In the past I have seen it many times, Nulled is carried by the momentum of the past, it has no new unique selling point and my leaks from 3+ years ago which are mostly dead are still bumped daily. My ban is not that important, I haven't contributed on Nulled in quite a long time besides 1-2 odd posts but other members who were active & posting high quality content have also been banned for similar petty reasons.

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That's why everyone should just be inactive on that forum and start working on this one instead :pepo:

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nulled should die! rather be on cracked

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I saw this shit on soutbox too XD


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Well as plenty of you know my name from there as well, might as well write my story.


@Florain and me decided to build this forum together. Because we did so, both of us got banned from Nulled. Florain being a former trial mod and me a well respected (if I may say so) and known member of Nulled. Plenty of people liked me there and I was bringing in good and quality banter. We were banned for being a staff member of a competing site, which is the second time I got banned for that (Crackingseal as well) but that was mainly because I was sneakily showing people my site.


Since then I have been banned from Nulled, for being a staff member of a competing site. I believe it's just a personal "vendetta" because some history Flo and Finn have so it might've hurt Finn's feeling more than normal as there are plenty of other members who run other sites (similar niche) on Nulled and haven't been banned, even though being reported.

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So if you weren't aware I'm a very old member of Nulled, ex staff from quite a few years ago & have been banned many times for various circumstances. This is the short story about my newest venture, why I was perma banned from Nulled.


So yesterday, 12/06/18 I was perma banned from Nulled because of a 30 second exchange with Finndev. Broly came into the shoutbox and then finn appeared, they seem to time their arrivals to have a short exchange in the shoutbox so broly is noticed. In the past, multiple times moderators have used brolys name to send 1-2 messages in the shoutbox which I found extremely entertaining. Upon them both talking I said:


Royals: FAKE

Royals: @Finndev stop talking to yourself


Which then was followed by this response


Finndev: @Royals are you retarded?

Royals: @Finndev debatable, are you?


Then I was perma banned, this is honestly the full story, I do not believe it was because of my role. this is how one of the oldest active members of Nulled received his final perma ban from the site. I have no interest in returning. I am not the only recent high profile member who has came under fire and received a perma ban from Finn. In the past I have seen it many times, Nulled is carried by the momentum of the past, it has no new unique selling point and my leaks from 3+ years ago which are mostly dead are still bumped daily. My ban is not that important, I haven't contributed on Nulled in quite a long time besides 1-2 odd posts but other members who were active & posting high quality content have also been banned for similar petty reasons.


lmao  :pepehappy:

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Nulled is already dying because of leechers/inactive members/idiot staff


I hope that this wont happen here



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I'm currently not banned from, but was for "leeching/spamming". However, going to my profile it said "abusive behaviour". Why I was banned? God only knows.


The only reason why my account was pardoned and still remains intact is because I dropped a formal email asking why I was banned and how I could resolve it, as well as giving them improvements. Their response was simple: "You have been unbanned". No reasons to why I actually received it, no proof, not even an opening to the email.


I know who banned me but I don't know who unbanned me. Even if I did, I wouldn't name either of them; purely because one has a good reputation from previous staffing and it would only be a dick move to point at others.


Either way, your story seems a lot more petty, sorry that happened to you.  Finn might have some kind of mental issues, I don't know honestly.


Fuck Nulled.

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Who are you on Nulled?




You all know my story why I'm banned, yes fuck Nulled :kappa:

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Who are you on Nulled?




You all know my story why I'm banned, yes fuck Nulled :kappa:


I don't know, tell me the story  :pepegun:

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Who are you on Nulled?




You all know my story why I'm banned, yes fuck Nulled :kappa:


I don't know, tell me the story  :pepegun:


sUaHwkE.png False scam but I still got banned

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