floraiN 253 Almost two months ago we launched the adventure cracked.to. A cracking community that is not just about cracking, but covers a lot of other topics and has something for almost everyone. While you can find a variety of Leecher in other big forums like Crackingking, Crackia or Crackingpro, Cracked.to has a base of active users who visit regularly and contribute. The best theme of the scene? Maybenot the best, Nulledbb looks way too good and offers too many nice features. But I would give the place behind them our board. If you keep an eye out for the detail, you'll see that Cracked.to is more than just a fast-paced MyBB forum. Meanwhile, the forum includes several custom plugins and extensions, which are usually not found elsewhere. And best of all, there is still so much to improve. A community that is loyal It doesn't matter if the forum is offline for 48 hours or if other people are just hating - our core of users are visting us frequently and ensure that a family climate, where almost everyone knows each other. A fresh, motivated team While you will always find the same staff members in other forums, you will discover fresh blood that is motivated. A team that thinks about future changes almost every day. Numbers don't lie. A look at the statistics shows that with about 40-60 new registrations per day we are growing pretty fast considering we are only online since 2 months. Not everyone will end up being one of those who visit the forum every day and become part of the family climate. But surely there are daily users who will eventually become part of the whole thing. In conclusion, many other forums are simply crap. Be it the administration, the number of Leecher / users, the design, maybe even the number of scams among each other or the lack of motivation to progress - I think these are all points that do not apply to Cracked.to and that's exactly why I claim that we are the board of the future with a smaller, but higher quality Communtiy. What's your opinion? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ImReeceify- 34 I agree. Cracked.to is moving very fast and for the better. We have multiple users who are all giving, committed and are here to stay, which is good. I'm glad that I found these forums, was super nice for a new fresh start and to be able to settle in pretty well considering I'm still fairly new. Great post, I agree with what you've said and hope to be with cracked during it's forward moving forums. :kek: Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Macien 157 The best forum in the world. Fast and nice staff. :hype: Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ChrisGhostYT 4 i am here from 2 months ..but no badge :pepe: Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Teken 142 I really like the Community here, Family friendly content :kappa: Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
G24 62 Good community, good content, good website, hmm I like. Please listen to users though and implement things they want - music feature :pepo: Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
AnonJack 0 I coded CrackingPro's forums :monkas: Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dog 69 I'll be honest- I like c.to a lot more. Once there are more people then it'll become a nice community. My only fear is that this'll turn into n.to, where there are too many members and it all becomes a shitshow of retards. Here's to the future of Cracked :') Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites