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King Award

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Yes i know This Award given only for members who do extraordinary job for our forum

i was witness Of other members applications about this award


regardless my contribution for since it don't count here but maybe you can put it on your consideration

but i had some green light of extraordinary activities


such as i have offered my Premium GFX Service free for all members and this was never to happen

as you know this is my business but i choosed to offer it free! even if open my paid again i will keep this one free

also the requirements which i stated there was to improve our forum , people will work for it

same as AUTH key xD


And as i remember when i came here i was trying to help floraiN to create the Default Forum avatar and other stuff like that

whatever the result but it's a point xD



Also trying to improve the thread view style by creating titles which member can use to have a better thread style/view

and as you can see alot of members started to use it already and it looks cool

this is just the beginning iam going to improve it more , and once i have time

i will do other things of this stuff so other members can use it to make C.To better place





coding tools for such as




iam always trying to help new members , Welcoming them and giving them basic basic structure/steps



also always here maybe 19/20h per day if not pc , so mobile but always here

following all spammers & leechers , catching them and opining a report about any case found




always trying to give a new suggestions to improve


and active with other members suggestions , giving my opinion



Finally , Whatever your opinion about my Request . it will be ok for me

And just remember everyone doing it on his way 

And my way always comes from Graphics 

Thanks for Reading



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i vouch, excellent user and amazing at gfx! hope you get it.

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An amazing user on the Forum has always been helpful and has posted nothing but HQ From Day 1 of me being apart of the forum,  Definitely deserves the Award that's a vouch from me  :hype:

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+1 give him the award already

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tbh , a really nice guy & HQ

doing his best for the community

hope you get it mate ! , GL

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i appreciate every word you said guys

Also iam very happy of being loved from HQ members like you , and others for sure

regardless the final decision <3

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Goodluck for this mate!

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Goodluck for this mate!


Thanks.  Buddy  :pepelove:

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Give this man the award :pepegun:

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Give this man the award :pepegun:



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Vouch +1111111 :pepo: <3

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Vouch +1111111 :pepo: <3


Thanks for your support buddy  :pepelove:

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MY Humble Vouch For This Guy :10:

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MY Humble Vouch For This Guy :10:


:pepelove: :pepelove: :pepelove:

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vouch this guy.. keep it up fam you got talent !

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i appreciate your words   :pepelove:

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This is a bump

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@'MODesigns' I am sorry but we can't accept this as of now.

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