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Everything posted by MrWadell

  1. Do I have to pay to learn to make hand written dorks, or do you know of a free tutorial.
  2. This is why i have -10 rep
  3. Pick up Line jokes - What holds back the incredible hulk and has 36 teeth? My zipper Do you like math, because i'll add you to my life, subtract your clothes, divide your legs, and multiply us together.
  4. - Who gives a shit bout hiding content :)
  5. :)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Nice
  6. Gj man would vouch but dont have combolist to test on lol
  7. My Vouch - Very easy to understand Tells you how to do every step Informs you on other ways you can do things if one doesn't work. Ebook Quality - 10/10 Would recommend 100%
  8. So I have looked at many tutorials on how to get HQ combos, and followed them word to word, but my combos still don't get hits. I use my hand written dorks if I have any, get urls from dork searcher ez, exploit and inject them in sqli dumper or sqlmap, and check them for what I wrote or genned the dorks for, but I still don't get hits, even though that is what all the tutorials say to do.
  9. Gettings hits really takes time and patience, I learned that, just keep trying combos from here and other cracking websites and you will eventually get hits, and before you do SE for fitbit make sure u always have a vpn on and look at one of the tutorials from here, and dont leech :)
  11. Final Update of Uplay Accounts, I have way more but no time to do this. [hide][/hide] LEECHERS WILL BE REPORTED AND BANNED
  12. I am not done checking the combo yet, many more are to come. LEECHERS WILL BE REPORTED AND BANNED [hide][/hide]
  13. Thx man, hope this works mine are just pure shit
  14. [hide][/hide]
  15. Thx a lot for the share man, good job
  16. Thx for sharing m8 I didnt have any