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Everything posted by canecorsoxl

  1. thank you very much everyone for sharing, its great to have some good members
  2. really hoping to find finaly something without virus, not normal how much is infected. Thank you
  3. It tooks a whole fucking day ;-; anyway enjoy the tutorial :) yooo thanks man, just bought a xbox one
  4. thanks hoping on a good working version as i already downloaded it 3 times
  5. ACB = Assassin’s Creed: Brotherhood ACR = Assassin’s Creed: Revelations FCCC = Far Cry 4: Arena Master MMH6 = Might & Magic: Heroes VI ACD = Assassin's Creed: Odyssey TD2 = The Division 2 - Open beta - but I found on this accounts too full version of game. ANNO7BETA2 = Anno 1700 - Open Beta - but I found on this accounts today pre-order of game and download it right now. ANNO7 = Anno 1700 (pre-order) Full list: or or After when we have a list with Hits. We download Notepad++ In Notepad++ press CTRL+H (Replace) First in Replace Window tick: Search Mode --> Extended In field we write: Find what: | Replace with: \n And at end click: Replace All With lines: We have: i am looking for a good black bullet a long time, eveyone i download is with w32 virus
  6. thanks very much, the black bullets freaks like to add virus everytime....
  7. this will be the 8th download of bullet.....all launcher en bb.exe files infected
  8. already 3 days looking for bb again, since mine was heavy infected. cant find a good launcher and exe file thanks
  9. Thanks i really hope this works, i am out of bb for 2 days now and it sucks
  10. thanks for sharing this great tool pack
  11. thank you didnt have this one in my collection
  12. thanks very much for this great post