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Everything posted by CobraMods

  1. Hello AngelCry you havent been blocked at all my whatsapp isnt working as of right now and all telegram messages are set to private untill you add me here the trades placed bellow and hope that you can see there isnt an issue at all if im unable to hear from you sooner ill cancel the trades at break even and return the full 60GBP sent contact me here: see the trades bellow for proof that your funds are placed in the stock markets
  2. Contact myself im a Forex Trader with expience and videos showing how i managed to change people's life! contact me via telegram @A4R4N or my telegram channel where i post my signals
  3. there not add sense related or money links so it should be gucci
  4. whats your phone number and how much are you willing to invest
  6. So quick n short 50 Likes for UBEREATS Method or Maybe UBER TAXI SERVICE! Just Eat is an online food order and delivery service. It acts as an intermediary between independent take-out food outlets and customers. IT HURTS TO SEE £10 - £20 come out of my ONLINE BANKING for food so do this [hide] STEP 1 : ORDER FROM BIG FRANCHISES ONLY (i.e: KFC, MCDOANLDS, BURGER KING, SUBWAY) STEP 2 : MAKE A BIG ORDER THIS METHOD WILL 100000% GIVE YOU A REFUND AND MAYBE AN EXTRA £10 CREDIT ON YOUR ACCOUNT STEP 3 : EAT YOUR FOOD THEN CONTACT SUPPORT REGARDING A MISSING ITEM STEP 4 : Claim either: Missing Item / Food cold / RAW products or the tidyness of the food STEP 5 : Talk nicely to the agent and mention that you've been ordering from them for a while and that you are a valued customer, also mention that all the feedback is bad for delivery on the franchise and mention that your children are dissapointed and hungry after returing home from school! if the agent is nice and warm hearted she'll offer you a FULL REFUND and a credit voucher REFUNDS CAN BE DEBITED TO THE CARD HOLDER OR CREDITS! *CHECK IMAGE BELLOW* [/hide] OH YEAH BABY £13 REFUNDED BACK TO MY CARD :hype: :kek:
  7. So quick n short 50 Likes for UBEREATS Method or Maybe UBER TAXI SERVICE! Just Eat is an online food order and delivery service. It acts as an intermediary between independent take-out food outlets and customers. IT HURTS TO SEE £10 - £20 come out of my ONLINE BANKING for food so do this [hide] STEP 1 : ORDER FROM BIG FRANCHISES ONLY (i.e: KFC, MCDOANLDS, BURGER KING, SUBWAY) STEP 2 : MAKE A BIG ORDER THIS METHOD WILL 100000% GIVE YOU A REFUND AND MAYBE AN EXTRA £10 CREDIT ON YOUR ACCOUNT STEP 3 : EAT YOUR FOOD THEN CONTACT SUPPORT REGARDING A MISSING ITEM STEP 4 : Claim either: Missing Item / Food cold / RAW products or the tidyness of the food STEP 5 : Talk nicely to the agent and mention that you've been ordering from them for a while and that you are a valued customer, also mention that all the feedback is bad for delivery on the franchise and mention that your children are dissapointed and hungry after returing home from school! if the agent is nice and warm hearted she'll offer you a FULL REFUND and a credit voucher REFUNDS CAN BE DEBITED TO THE CARD HOLDER OR CREDITS! *CHECK IMAGE BELLOW* [/hide] OH YEAH BABY £13 REFUNDED BACK TO MY CARD :hype: :kek:
  8. So quick n short 50 Likes for UBEREATS Method or Maybe UBER TAXI SERVICE! Just Eat is an online food order and delivery service. It acts as an intermediary between independent take-out food outlets and customers. IT HURTS TO SEE £10 - £20 come out of my ONLINE BANKING for food so do this [hide] STEP 1 : ORDER FROM BIG FRANCHISES ONLY (i.e: KFC, MCDOANLDS, BURGER KING, SUBWAY) STEP 2 : MAKE A BIG ORDER THIS METHOD WILL 100000% GIVE YOU A REFUND AND MAYBE AN EXTRA £10 CREDIT ON YOUR ACCOUNT STEP 3 : EAT YOUR FOOD THEN CONTACT SUPPORT REGARDING A MISSING ITEM STEP 4 : Claim either: Missing Item / Food cold / RAW products or the tidyness of the food STEP 5 : Talk nicely to the agent and mention that you've been ordering from them for a while and that you are a valued customer, also mention that all the feedback is bad for delivery on the franchise and mention that your children are dissapointed and hungry after returing home from school! if the agent is nice and warm hearted she'll offer you a FULL REFUND and a credit voucher REFUNDS CAN BE DEBITED TO THE CARD HOLDER OR CREDITS! *CHECK IMAGE BELLOW* [/hide] OH YEAH BABY £13 REFUNDED BACK TO MY CARD :hype: :kek:
  9. better be good, if not someone is getting touched you intrested in forex?
  10. Got an Ebay Account? Must be ready to start selling instantly or Make an account and make sure its eligble to list items! if your intrested drop your phone number down bellow and ill contact you via whatsapp Easy money to be made i'll list a good ship the goods out ie: £120 sale £45 you take per sale £75 i take per sale (i'll pay the fees and conjestion charges)
  11. No, this isnt another £5 voucher to use for something but more BETTER, FASTER AND EASIER [hide] Forex Trading can be quite difficult if you dont know whats going on it took me over a year to understand and anaylse markets and the correct dirrection it goes in Foreign Exchange (FOREX) refers to the foreign exchange market. It is the over-the-counter market in which the foreign currencies of the world are traded. It is considered the largest and most liquid market in the world. I've Decided that the people that are less worthy like myself need an upboost and as i love helping people make an icome here's an offer that you wont regret! Forex Course : £299 (Includes Signals, monitoring, 1to1, Mentorship and videos on anaylsis) Forex Signals : £80 (Copy what we send and place into the trading account) CONTACT DETAILS : +44 7599345588 (Whatsapp!) We also can do Money Flips that will take max 1 weeks to make a mass income here's the plan £85 to £150 £150 to £300 £300 to £900 £500 to £1,500 and finally the best deal of all £2000 into £12,000 IF MONEY IS LOST WE WILL RETURN! If you dont believe me contact me or if you have as little as 50 we can work something out! [/hide]
  12. I Would like to become an Active Member so I can contribute to the community more and help out with highest of quality stuff i post threads that help the community such as easy money methods and they have good feedback from members on this forum, i also post HQ SOCKS 4/5/HTTPS which helps crackers in this community im aiming to get ACTIVE MEMBER i dont leach or repost ive been active for more than 3 days i have a lot of threads check profile and ill continue to post the highest of quality stuff that this form needs
  13. will test this thread and report back
  14. i appreciate hit will retest and see if they work
  15. YOU DONT NEED TO BE 18 FOR THIS METHOD! [hide] 1) Sign up to a app on the APPSTORE/PLAYSTORE called "Curve" 2) Enter all creditnitials but MAKE SURE DATE OF BIRTH IS "200" 3) After registering a pop will appear saying use REFERAL CODE USE CODE "DOXXQK7D" FREE £5/$ once you spend £1 on the card you'r £5 will be creddited! [/hide] IF THIS THREAD GET POSTIVE REVIEWS A NEW METHOD WILL BE RELEASED! JUST EAT REFUND TO DEBIT/POINTS :hype: