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Everything posted by Oxyde

  1. [hide]https://anonfile.com/V7i1K7g9b0/291k_HQ_Combo_txt[/hide] Like if you are not a leecher like = PRESS GREEN HEART <3
  2. [hide]https://anonfile.com/bfdf6ee2b6/500k_Combolist.txt[/hide] Like if you are not a leecher like = PRESS GREEN HEART <3
  3. Fast And secure deal , the seller sent me a vouch copies which contains 500 accounts , 99% works % ; all of them with good skins (10-40 Skins) , i really recommend you to buy from him since his combos are high quality & he is a friendly seller too . Vouched !
  4. [hide]https://anonfile.com/P2B9x7k0b0/500K_MIXED_txt[/hide] Like if you are not a leecher like = PRESS GREEN HEART <3
  5. [hide] https://mega.nz/#!GXZQHYQQ!KaDvlzmgqil51fuGv36TGTbqsecp72PCTFL9Ot0is40 [/hide] Like this if you are not LEECHER :pepegun:
  6. [hide] https://mega.nz/#!CbAhWZKJ!p__rtcMDyTqvP0sTXGews3rR9e51oeB3_21EwbgQTMk [/hide] Like this if you are not LEECHER :pepegun:
  7. Yeah :hype: I joined literally on 30dec 2018 :kappa: , and now i passed half of the members . :pepehappy: Next goals : Become god like rank user. The first on shoutbox spammer list. Get the star award . Become trial mod (why not?) . Trusted member award :??: Contribute more to this lovely community. Thank you all for your support & love <3 The gay member , Slave.
  8. :kek: LMAOO thats actually so funny xdd :kek: Make more short videos like that
  9. Good idea , i agree. In fact , reputation system nowadays has become a 'troll system' : ex : if you did not like my thread , you -rep me , you dont like my ideas , my suggestion , you -rep me … This is really infair at the point that group of friends can -rep you all of them for literally no reason … :thinking: Suggestion : new rule : dont make fake reputations . Have a good day .
  10. [hide]https://www.sendspace.com/file/19cqj4[/hide] Like the thread if you want another accounts :fine:
  11. [hide]https://anonfile.com/paEfMab8bc/40.000_SUPER_PRIVATE_FRESH_COMBOLIST.txt[/hide] Like this post if you are not a leecher :comfy:
  12. [hide]https://anonfile.com/DcN0Ifq5bd/Epic_Good_11_54_03_PM_txt[/hide] Leave Like if you want another good accounts. :fiesta:
  13. Leave like if you want another accounts . [hide]https://m.sendspace.com/file/19cqj4[/hide]
  14. [hide]https://anonfile.com/bfdf6ee2b6/500k_Combolist.txt[/hide] Like this if you are not a leecher :kappa:
  15. [hide]https://anonfile.com/s2H2F8jabb/197K_ComboList_txt[/hide] Like this if you are not a leecher :kappa:
  16. [hide]https://anonfile.com/I656Z4m8b6/11k_ComboList_txt[/hide] Like this if you are not a leecher :kappa:
  17. [hide]https://anonfile.com/g9y6Fbedba/30k_netflix_combo.txt[/hide] Like this if you are not a leecher :kappa:
  18. I Passed 1hour writing this corretly , You can support me By Liking the thread [align=center]I see all the time new topics where people are complaining about the creation of accounts and their frustration, many of us are losing time and money trying to do it right and then more money buying premade accounts of dubious quality. [/align] Recently Instagram starts taking actions on new accounts. You need to rethink how to create new excellent and fresh accounts for Instagram in 2019. In these months I've tested various method for creating my high-quality accounts, but every time, I feel Instagram understands that I'm creating multiple accounts. I've tried and tried more and wasted months of time, but every time the result is only one: BAN. [hide]When I found this stable and straightforward method, I can create with just an Android phone with 3G/4G and a PC, over 50 accounts manually every day (with my custom bot easily 250+). And, now, you can too! I learned a lot in this forum, so it's time to give back something to all of you. Follow these steps, and you can have clean and unlinked accounts! You can do manually or code a simple Bot that does it for you. STEP 1 - PROXY: First of all proxies. Use your 4G or 3G Android phone, connect to your computer, enable USB tethering from your phone and then disable LAN or WIFI so that you can use the connection of your phone. For every account you need to put the phone in Airplane mode for 5-10 seconds, then disable it. Make sure your IP is new and not used before. STEP 2 - BROWSER: Use a clean browser with some extension. Use Chrome and create a new profile, name it and add WebRTC Leak Prevent, Random User Agent and Ghostery. These extensions help you to stay clean for every account. Close your browser, open the Windows bar and write this: chrome --profile-directory="PROFILENAME" --incognito, here you have your clean browser and the perfect proxy. STEP 3 - DATA: This step is optional but is recommended to be seen by Instagram as a real user. Go to uinames, choose your region and get all the data you need. This website is easy to use, and you can generate a name, surname, email, password, birthday and profile photo. Now you can go to fakepersongenerator, go into user biography generator and get a randomly generated biography for your Instagram account. Write down all these data and proceed to the next step! STEP 4 - MAIL: Create some hotmail or find another great email provider without using phone numbers, using the data you generated before. Subscribe to at least one newsletter for email; this will keep your email alive for a long time! STEP 5 - INSTAGRAM: Create your Instagram account with the information from Step 3, add biographyand photo profile. If you want, now you can verify your email. Save all your account data in an Excel file, change IP and restart. Congratulation, you have created your first high-quality Instagram account! BONUS TIPS! - Creating accounts with Selenium (I think iGramTool use Selenium headless for creating accounts) lead to ban or block, instantly or in max one week after the creation. - Creating many accounts with the same email can be a pattern for Instagram, and you can have all accounts banned or with EV, PVA. - Creating accounts with your browser: you need to delete every footprint you can have. - Creating accounts with a 4G rotating proxy is a good choice, but you need to create max one account for 1 IP. If you create more for 1 IP, you are forming a pattern. - Never use automation software that injects Javascript in the browser, this is too easy to detect for Instagram. FINAL THOUGHTS This is the method I found after trials and errors that work best for creating accounts, and it's in constant evolution. It's normal to make mistakes, it takes time, but with the same steps, I created over 1000 accounts until now.[/hide] Try this approach for your accounts todayand share your results with our community and me. I'm curious to know your story and your best technique so that we can all grow together! :pepehappy:
  19. [hide]https://mega.nz/#F!6sk2haTB!G_1bYHC0p7HuPEwdQKFBRg [/hide] LIKE THE POST IF YOU WANT TO SEE REAL MOM NUDES :pogchamp:
  20. [hide]https://anonfile.com/0e29mfk7bc/_Fulldb_Cracked_500k_HQ_Combo_Private_SQLi_OnVerse.com_txt[/hide] PRESS LIKE IF YOU ARE NOT A LEECHER :pepegun:
  21. [hide]https://anonfile.com/vaF4Ofd0b7/100k_combo.txt[/hide] [align=right] Leave like if you want to support me , its just one click , be kind & dont be a leecher :pepehappy: [/align]