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Everything posted by Boosh

  1. last batch i tried from a different thread didnt work, so heres hoping these do
  2. 'just for 9.99,' fuck that,, awesome upload Edit: actually working, much love
  3. This sounds great, new to the site, will check back and confirm its working
  4. its dumb tho because akali still fucking exists and can tower dive without fail due to her invulernability from her shroud
  5. ive been playing league for years and throughout the my time ive gone from an adc main, to a jg main and then top. Recently ive discovered thanks to the help of one of my plat friends the one shot ap malphite build with a 35 second CDR. i guess i just wanna know how others feel about the current state of this game.
  6. Hows it going? new to the forum and looking forward to the time ill spend on here. name is Boosh