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Everything posted by AplexTM

  1. Really this works ? lets check this out.
  2. This is very good ty for the share i need VCC.
  3. This leak is very nice thanks bro for that i would like to read it :D
  4. Let's take a look at that. Maybe if it works, I will crack and share some if i have results.
  5. # Program to perform different set operations like in mathematics # define three sets E = {0, 2, 4, 6, 8}; N = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}; # set union print("Union of E and N is",E | N) # set intersection print("Intersection of E and N is",E & N) # set difference print("Difference of E and N is",E - N) # set symmetric difference print("Symmetric difference of E and N is",E ^ N)
  6. ''' Python program to find the multiplication table (from 1 to 10)''' num = 12 # To take input from the user # num = int(input("Display multiplication table of? ")) # use for loop to iterate 10 times for i in range(1, 11): print(num,'x',i,'=',num*i)
  7. # Python program to display calendar of given month of the year # import module import calendar yy = 2014 mm = 11 # To ask month and year from the user # yy = int(input("Enter year: ")) # mm = int(input("Enter month: ")) # display the calendar print(calendar.month(yy, mm))
  8. # Python program to find the factorial of a number provided by the user. # change the value for a different result num = 7 # uncomment to take input from the user #num = int(input("Enter a number: ")) factorial = 1 # check if the number is negative, positive or zero if num < 0: print("Sorry, factorial does not exist for negative numbers") elif num == 0: print("The factorial of 0 is 1") else: for i in range(1,num + 1): factorial = factorial*i print("The factorial of",num,"is",factorial)
  9. First of all: Some answers What Is A Dork? A Dork query, sometimes just referred to as a dork, is a search string that uses advanced search operators to find information that is not readily available on a website. dorking, also known as search hacking, can return information that is difficult to locate through simple search queries. What will we use them for? As the definition says, dorks serve to find information that is not normally found. Dork Quality? There isnt something that defines the quality of a dork, in my opinion is defined by the customization of the dork, while more "personalized" is more quality as it is more private. Some Examples (bad ones): LQ Dork: news.php?id= MQ Dork: news.php?id= + site:bo HQ Dork: inurl:news.php?id= intext:"car accident" + site:us
  10. Welcome on WPScan tutorial! WPScan is popular tool to scan pages built with wordpress. It wont do whole job for you, but it may be helpful to gain information about your target. You dont need any special knowledge to use it, tool is very helpful for beginners. Everything you need is your computer with linux, Kali has pre-installed wpscan. To run wpscan on kali just type 'wpscan' in your terminal. There are many useful options, I will show you some of them below: --url -> As you guess, you have to type your target's url here --enumerate -> This will give you lots of information about website. Firstly you have specify what do you exactly need. Here are some options: --enumerate p -> Enumerates installed plugins --enumerate vp -> Enumerates vulnerable plugins installed on your target --enumerate u -> Enumerates users --enumerate t -> Enumerate installed themes Another important function is proxy, which allow you to scan host through proxy. Example below: --proxy You can use socks5 proxy as well: --proxy socks5:// If login is required: --proxy-auth Supply the proxy login credentials. --basic-auth Set the HTTP Basic authentication. There is also an option to brute force enumerated users, for example using 50 threds: wpscan --url www.example.com --wordlist wordlist.lst --threads 50 As you see, after --wordlist you need to give a pass wordlist. If you want to brute specific user, just add '--username', example: wpscan --url www.example.com --wordlist wordlist.lst --username admin
  11. #!/bin/bash # use predefined variables to access passed arguments #echo arguments to the shell echo $1 $2 $3 ' -> echo $1 $2 $3' # We can also store arguments from bash command line in special array args=("$@") #echo arguments to the shell echo ${args[0]} ${args[1]} ${args[2]} ' -> args=("$@"); echo ${args[0]} ${args[1]} ${args[2]}' #use $@ to print out all arguments at once echo $@ ' -> echo $@' # use $# variable to print out # number of arguments passed to the bash script echo Number of arguments passed: $# ' -> echo Number of arguments passed: $#'
  12. #!/bin/bash echo -e "Hi, please type the word: \c " read word echo "The word you entered is: $word" echo -e "Can you please enter two words? " read word1 word2 echo "Here is your input: \"$word1\" \"$word2\"" echo -e "How do you feel about bash scripting? " # read command now stores a reply into the default build-in variable $REPLY read echo "You said $REPLY, I'm glad to hear that! " echo -e "What are your favorite colours ? " # -a makes read command to read into an array read -a colours echo "My favorite colours are also ${colours[0]}, ${colours[1]} and ${colours[2]}:-)"
  13. #!/bin/bash #Declare bash string variable BASH_VAR="Bash Script" # echo variable BASH_VAR echo $BASH_VAR #when meta character such us "$" is escaped with "\" it will be read literally echo $BASH_VAR # backslash has also special meaning and it can be suppressed with yet another "\" echo "\"
  14. #!/bin/bash # This bash script will locate and replace spaces # in the filenames DIR="." # Controlling a loop with bash read command by redirecting STDOUT as # a STDIN to while loop # find will not truncate filenames containing spaces find $DIR -type f | while read file; do # using POSIX class [:space:] to find space in the filename if [[ "$file" = *[[:space:]]* ]]; then # substitute space with "_" character and consequently rename the file mv "$file" `echo $file | tr ' ' '_'` fi; # end of while loop done
  15. #!/bin/bash # use predefined variables to access passed arguments #echo arguments to the shell echo $1 $2 $3 ' -> echo $1 $2 $3' # We can also store arguments from bash command line in special array args=("$@") #echo arguments to the shell echo ${args[0]} ${args[1]} ${args[2]} ' -> args=("$@"); echo ${args[0]} ${args[1]} ${args[2]}' #use $@ to print out all arguments at once echo $@ ' -> echo $@' # use $# variable to print out # number of arguments passed to the bash script echo Number of arguments passed: $# ' -> echo Number of arguments passed: $#'