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Everything posted by NeonBlueAura

  1. [hide][/hide] NO LEECHING, LIKE PLZ! kthxbye
  2. BlackChecker The most powerful Minecraft checker ever made. Hello everyone, I'm Laiteux.(Not me) Some of you may already know me since I am very active in the Minecraft cracking community since now 2 years. I sold many cracking softwares to various guys from Nulled to MCTrades so I'm very experienced in this. I decided to start selling my private Minecraft checker that I use to restock ($400/day). That's then why I'm making this thread today, to offer to the community a completelly new and powerful checker. Note that I was using really slow proxies on the screenshot below, using it can go up to 5k checks per minute, probably more. First of all, it's multi-threaded and very well, meaning if you choose 100 threads, it will really go for 100 threads so will be very fast, not like other checkers, as you can see on the screenshot below (ProxyRack panel). . This is the output files (now also check CubeCraft ranks) So yeah this is all what it can check, and every module is 100% optimized and working very well. This is the config file where you can edit everything to feet with your needs. Config File Showcase video Checker price is $15 USD and you can purchase it at Old Discord server terminated, new one is for buyers only. Note: Not my checker, Im just promoting it, don't hate me! :monkas: :hype: (Old version in Picture!) Version right now (3.0)
  3. [hide][/hide] NO LEECHING, LIKE PLZ XD kthxbye :fiesta: :fiesta: :fiesta: :fiesta: :fiesta: :fiesta: :fiesta: :fiesta: :fiesta: :fiesta: :fiesta: :fiesta: :pepegun:
  4. [hide] | $30.00 | Credit: Centuri | $24.06 | Credit: Centuri | $22.06 | Credit: Centuri | $25.00 | Credit: Centuri[/hide]
  5. thanks, ill check it out, if its hq, ill leave a like :hype:
  6. Thanks, Ill need to check this out :D
  7. Ill test it out, thanks :hype:
  8. Thanks for sharing :fiesta: